Work towards eradicating untouchability: RSS

via PTI published on December 12, 2005

Mumbai, December 12: RSS sarsanghchalak K S Sudarshan urged RSS members to strive towards eradicating untouchability in the country.


“Efforts should be made to wipe out the barriers of caste and creed and also to include the socially outcast into the mainstream of society,” Sudarshan said while addressing RSS volunteers at Shivaji park in central Mumbai on Sunday evening.


Sudarshan said stalwarts like Mahatma Gandhi and Babasaheb Ambedkar, who had attended RSS programmes, had been impressed by the working of the Sangh.


RSS had, in its own way, played a part in the struggle for India’s Independence, Sudarshan, the fifth sarsanghchalak of RSS, said.


“At that time, our organisational strength was mostly in Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra. So, the RSS members participated in the freedom struggle in their individual capacity,” Sudarshan said.


RSS volunteers had taken initiative in giving asylum to`satyagrahis’ during the freedom struggle, the Sangh chief, who arrived here in the afternoon, said.


BJP leaders Pramod Mahajan and Gopinath Munde participated in the programme as members of the audience.


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