Press Council Of India issues show-cause notice to The Telegraphs of Kolkata

via HK published on April 13, 2006

The Press Council of India, New Delhi,  vide their letter   no. 14/431/05-06-PCI/30.03.2006  to Shri V. Krishnan, Ethical Management Consultant, New Delhi, had informed that they were issuing “a show-cause notice” to “THE TELEGRAPH”,  Kolkata  in response to a complaint  lodged by him on February 20, 2006


On this New Year Day, The Telegraph, had published in their “opinion” column some unsavoury remarks against the Kanchi Mutt Peetathipathi, Shri Jayendra Saraswati Swamigal along with a cartoon  showing the Aachaarya hiding a blood dripping sword.


Shri V. Krishnan wrote to the editor of the news paper protesting strongly and demanding public apology.  They  simply returned the protest letter to him without any apology or regret, though they removed the content from their website.


The newspaper containing the derogatory cartoon and the article however was  already  circulated.


Shri V. Krishnan complained to the Press Council of India, an independent quasi-judicial body, and they promptly have initiated action.

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