ISI agent arrested from Hyderabad

via HK published on July 15, 2006

Hyderabad: Police arrested an ISI agent on Friday. Parveez alias Syed Javed was  arrested when he was preparing to go abroad on a fake passport during a crackdown on activists of the banned Students Islamic Movement of India (SIMI) and Laskhar-e-Taiba .Police seized two fake passports from him.

Parveez was arrested previously in 1993 when he  had formed a terror group Ikhwanul Muslimeen at the instance of some Kashmiri guerrillas and recruited youths to carry out blasts at different places in Hyderabad.

Relieved from Jail,Parveez fled to Bangladesh a few years ago and underwent arms training. He then entered back into India and left for Saudi Arabia. He returned to India last year and was preparing to again go abroad on a fake passport in the name of Syed Javed.

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