Malegaon arrests-Blow to Pseudo-secular brigade

via HK published on November 2, 2006

Malegaon: Anti Terrorist Squad arrested one more Islamic Terrorist in connection with Malegaon Blasts.


Shabir Ahmed Masiullah Ansari (36) arrested yesterday is resident of Jaffarnagar colony in Malegaon.He got Arms training from Pakistan in 2003. 


The bombs used in the blast were assembled in the garage of Battery making unit ran by Ansari. Police had arrested another Jehadi terrorist Noor-ul-Hooda on October 30st in connection with this.


The mainstream media, Hindu baiters like Arjun Singh, Brinda Karat, the terrorist right wing headed by Arundhathi Roy etc were in the forefront to accuse Hindu organisations for the blasts along with other Jehadi outfits in the nation.  


 Let us hope and pray atleast this incident will open the eyes of our Pseudosecular Hindus doped by their leaders. The Malegaon blast is the latest proof to show that Jehadi’s within and outside will go to any extend and use any means to topple our national integrity



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