VHP’s Vision: I Yr, 10 lac Ram temples

via PTI published on February 17, 2007

Ayodhya, February 16: The Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) said it would construct ten lakh Ram Temples in the country in a year’s time to check alleged conversion.



The work of construction of the temples would begin from Ram Navmi, VHP media incharge Sharad Sharma said.

In the first phase, one lakh temples would be built in one lakh villages, he said addding that similarly more temples would be constructed in nine lakh villages in a phased manner.

VHP would launch a Hindu ‘ekta yatra’ for setting up of ‘Hindu Rashtra’ from November 20 and prepare a votebank of the community, he said.

Sharma alleged that a concerted move was on to reduce the majority community through conversion and stressed the need for preparing a strong Hindu votebank by shunning caste and language barriers.

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