Indira’s and Rajiv’s photo vandalized by Maino’s favourite Comrades

published on November 5, 2007

Kannur : While CPI(M)’s top leaders are singing paeans to Sonia Maino and Rahul Gandhi, their comrades in Kannur are vandalising the photos of Indira and Rajiv Gandhi in Kerala!

After visiting the Vandalized Congress (I) office in Thotada, Opposition leader Umman Chandi laments-

“The CPI-M in Kerala has turned out to be a party with abject intolerace towards parties having divergent views and state police was forced to act in a unilateral manner in tune with the ruling party’s directions

Police which frames false charges against members of rival political parties at slightest pretext was acting as per the direct instructions from CPI-M leadership and this would drift Kerala towards anarchy” Reports PTI.

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