Why this SILENCE on Nandigram ‘POGROM?

via Courtesy: S.V.Badri published on November 11, 2007

Why is NOBODY talking about Nandigram as a “pogrom”? Where are the Azmis and the Kuldip Nayars hiding?

Why is Nandigram not being talked about as a classic case of “State sponsored terrorism” on innocent citizens/farmers?

Why is NOBODY nailing Buddha, CPM and the PM/Super PM for what is happening in Nandigram?

Why are the English TV channels not rushing to question Budha / Yechury / The Carrots on
Nandigram with similar intensity they exhibited during post Godhra?

Nandigram is a systematic elimination by CPM of all those who oppose them.Buddha is worse than the era of the Iron curtain. Worse than the Tinnamen Square.

This a “State sponsored pogrom” on innocent farmers. The typical Mao/Stalinist approach to quell peaceful anti-government protests.

Why is nobody questioning the State sponsored CPM Govt letting out its own “army” to “recapture” the so called “lost territory”?

Spread the word the it is the CPM Govt that is arming its goons with automatic rifles to “recapture” the “lost territory”.

Start screaming such questions. Write such questions to every English Press and TV Channel.

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