Now,A Fatwa against Godrej

via HK published on January 17, 2008

MUMBAI: Godrej family have irked Muslim extremists for the crime of hosting a holiday for one of their friend. Jihadi’s now want Muslims to boycott products of Godrej for the crime of Hosting Salman Rushdie during his holiday in Mumbai, Reports Reuters.

Rushdie stayed at the bungalow of the Godrej family while visiting Mumbai, where he was born and spent many of his early years. The fact that Rushdie was invited by the Godrejs has angered the All-India Ulema Council – a national grouping of Muslim organisations – which says the family had not cared for the sentiments of Muslims whom Rushdie had offended with his writings.

“We really hope Mr Godrej realises the hurt he has caused us and says sorry for it,” Maulana Mehmood Daryabadi, a council official, said. “Otherwise, we are asking Muslims all over to boycott his company’s products.”

What’s the take of the advocates of freedom of expression who vociferously argues for the perverted artist Hussein? Forget about freedom of expression in this case the Jihadis even questions one’s basic right to choose a friend!

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