National Protest against Communist Terror in Kannur-BJP March in New Delhi turns violent

via HK published on March 8, 2008


Hundreds of Hindus joined Yuvamorcha’s protest march to AKG centre in New Delhi, to give a clear
warning to Communist party that by unleashing violence in Communist controlled
states, Communist party cannnot keep democratic dreams in other parts of the

protest March led by Hundreds of activist turned violent when Police tried to
block them in front of AKG centre. Furious activists destroyed the barricades; Police
fired water canons to disperse the activists.Situation
is still tense in the National Capital

L.K.Adwani informed Home Minister Shivaraj Patil about the Kannur terror and
requested the intervention of Centre to bring peace in the area. Shivaraj Patil
responded positively to Adwani’s request. Venkaiah Naidu in a statement
condemning the brutal Communist murders in Kannur demanded immediate deployment
of Para Millitary forces in the area.    

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