Congress insults Indian Judiciary

via Press Release published on September 26, 2008

Statement of Health Minister Sh. Jay Narayan Vyas on the Report of Nanavati Commission

Gandhinagar: The State Government ’s spokesman and Health Minister Shri Jay Narayan Vyas has severely criticized the allegations of the opposition leader regarding the report of the first part of Justice Nanavati Commission placed in the Legislative Assembly and categorically stated that instead of accepting the truth of the report of this Inquiry Commission , Congress has opposed it on its own assumptions and thus exposed its biased mentality of appeasement.


In f act , Congress has insulted entire judicial process and the Supreme Court by boycotting the Legislative Assembly immediately aft er the report of the first p art of Nanavati Commission placed and creating a doubt about the report outside Assembly and m akin g to tal ly in appropriate political allegation s, Congress le ad ers should realize that the name of Justice Nanavati was suggested by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and not by the State Government , so to say that this Inquiry Commission was constituted to protect somebody is nothing but the insult of entire judiciary, Mr. Vyas add ed.


The Spokesman Minister, while dismissing the political allegation s of the opposition le ad er pointwise, state d that the State Government in democ rac y is responsible to the Legislative As sembly and the opposition can seek time for a debate on the report of inquiry commission aft er it is constitution ally placed in the assembly. This is an established tr adit ion but congress has exposed its dirty mentality by boycotting the assembly only after the report was placed and thus it has ignored the respect of parliamentary democracy .


He further stated that the appointment of Justice Nanavati as the Head of the Inquiry Commission of anti –Shikh riots of 1984 was made by the then Central Government .


He further flayed the political allegation s that the report of this Inquiry Commission will be used for the parliament elections and stated that Congress has a natural habit to view everything in the eyes of vote bank politics and it is als o viewing this judicial process in the same way.


The minister, in this context, reminded the opposition leader that people of Gujarat have not forgotten the fact that political benefit was taken by constituting Benerji Commission at the time of Bihar elections.


The spokesman Minister State d that Shri Shaktisinhji Gohil has not shown even common sense while making serious charges on State Ministers only on assumptions only when the first part of the Nanavati inquiry commission is placed in the assembly. Had he kept some passion, he could have seen Para No. 229 of this report of inquiry commission where it is clearly stated that there are no evidence s of involve ment of the Chief Minister and / or Cabinet Ministers or Police official s in the entire tragedy or there are no loopholes in the implementation of recomm end ations of National Human Rights Commission or in the matter of providing protection, relief or rehabilitation to the victims of riots. Nanavati commission has given a clear view after total inquiry so the opposition leader has no moral right to allege against Ministers, he has only and only insulted the judicial process .


 Shri Jayanarayan Vyas categoric ally stated that congress is trying at its worst to misguide the people of Gujarat to protect its malafide strategy of vote-bank but it can not protect the failure of UPA Government to fight against terrorism. Macoca act of Maharastra has been helpful for phone taping of terrorists thanks to the judgment of the Supreme court but in Gujarat this is not possible as Gujcoc act has not been cleared. Even common citizen of Gujarat now understands the magnitude of seriousness dealt by the politics of vote-bank of Congress to the security of the country by its dual policy , but the Congress which is highly engrossed in the vote-bank of appeasement, is not at all worried.

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