From Mamta Banerji to Mamta Begum .. Cheap Gimmicks to Cajole Muslims

published on September 14, 2010

New Delhi : Few Months back Railway Ministry issued orders to remove all Hindu religious symbols and Images of Hindu gods from Train and also put a blanket ban on performing traditional pooja’s prior to the take off of a new Train – Reason- Told was – India is a Secular country and we should not offend Minorities by such Public display of our believes!

Now the very same Ministry had issued an Advertisement with a picture of Model come Minister Mamta Banerji (Begum?) offering namaz with Photograph of Mecca Mosques in it – reason again – To upheld Secularism- By this Ad, according to Trinamool spokesman “Mamata is bridging the gap between Muslims and Hindus’!

Railways sources said several photographs were sent for the minister’s approval. “The minister’s cell approved the one in which she is seen offering namaz,” adding that officials were asked to include the motifs and the photograph of Kaaba in the ad by those close to the minister.

BJP leader Tathagata Roy said, “The state has no religion. How can religious edifice be part of a government advertisement? This reveals her duplicity. She hasn’t converted so how can she offer namaz? It’s extremely improper.”

As such Minority pampering measures are highly contagious, we can expect Swords of Tippu Sultan and Aurangazeb decorating upcoming Government Ad’s of other Ministries and our Ministers wearing Skull caps and growing beard after shaving off the Moustaches to compete with Mamta Begum’s gimmicks.

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