Awaiting the emergence of a Hindu leader?

via GSK Menon published on June 21, 2009
Hindus are not following the congregational method of prayer and
this is the reason for our lack of unity. The Muslims meet 5 times in a
day and bonding is strongest among them. Christians meet once in a week
and this creates unity amongst them. Hindus never meet for in our
system religion is an individual pursuit.

But in the present aggressive
and debased environment we have to converge together for united
resistance against alien forces. The Hindus are isolated, politically
and economically. The entire TV & press are against Hindus, and
finally Hindus are against Hindus. Hindus do not have one national
leader who can emerge as a powerful unifying factor. The present crop
of religious leaders are busy cultivating white men and women and
seeking their charity, so they keep harping their own fabricated
theories. A genuine Hindu leader is yet to emerge.

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