Disqualify Ms. Antonia Maino, MP for giving false information

via Sudhir Srinivasan published on August 7, 2009

There have been graver reasons for her getting disqualified as an MP and to be punished/ impeached for giving false information in Parliament.

1. The Lok Sabha Register has handwritten entries that Sonia Gandhi is a Graduate in Eng.Litt. from Cambridge University. It was later found that this was a false statement as she was attending one of the fly by night English speaking courses when she was working as a barmaid in the University Canteen!!

When pointed out, Congress spokesman shirked it as “typogtraphical error” what actually is signed and handwritten in the Register of MP-s.

2. Antonia Maino, or Sonia declared during the marriage to Rajiv Gandhi- converted to Catholic and name changed to Roberto- in a London Church that both were of same age born in 1944 in Luciana. Her original passport too bears this date and place of birth.

When someone pointed out it India later that how could she be the daughter of Stefano Maino, a mason and facist, who was imprisoned in Siberia by Russians in 1942 until WWII was over in 1945, she rushed back to Italy, changed her passport with a new date of birth as 1946 and place of birth as Orbassano and returned to India.

The Indian authorities could very well verify the immigration records on her first arrival after marriage and later arrival after Rajiv became the PM to confirm these anomalies.

3. Mrs. Antonia Maino was given the name ‘Sonia’ by her late mother-in-law, Indira Gandhi. But there is no notification in the gazette regarding this change in name. This change of name runs in Nehru family is to fool the Indian public for their votes. Indira Gandhi was Indira Priyadasini. Indira married as per Islamic rites Feroz Khan after converting herself to Islam. Indira’s muslim name was Maimuna Begum and later both had changed their name to fool the public of India on the advice of Gandhi by an affidavit in a court to Indira Gandhi and Feroz Gandhi.

4.In 1966 she was working in London for an ISI operative Salman Thassir. Sonia’s link to KGB is also reported in the press.

Russian spy agency KGB’s deposit of US $2 billion (Rs 9400 Crores) in a Swiss bank account in 1985 in the “minor” account of Rahul Gandhi managed by his mother Sonia Gandhi as was reported years back in. Schweitzer Illustrierte, a Swiss news magazine.

5.Indira Gandhi’s family most likely Rajiv and Sonia, were on the payroll of the Pakistani Banker the late Agha Hassan Abedi, who founded the Bank known as Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI). BCCI was a drug money laundering outfit finally owned by the ruler of Abu Dhabi, Sheikh Zyed. Mr. Manmohan Singh when he was the governor of Reserve Bank of India was advised by RAW not to issue license for opening the ISI bank BCCI in Bombay as BCCI was funding spying in India and was also funding the Pakistani nuclear programme!!! Yet Manmohan simply approved it. HE got the reward for his loyalty now!!

6. http://ww1.mid- day.com/news/ nation/2004/ february/ 75361.htm

A `bribe’ allegation by an Iraqi newspaper that names individuals from France, Egypt, Jordan, UAE, Turkey, China, Austria, Lebanon, Indonesia and Russia including prime ministers, presidents’ sons, churches and businessmen besides prominent Indian Congress party leaders including leader of Opposition Sonia Gandhi has stirred trouble worldwide.

But the Congress Party, which is named in the report, is not bothered and brushes asides these allegations. However it is their bad luck that the Iraqi Oil Ministry has confirmed the documents to be authentic.

Result? The loyal Natwar Singh and his son were made scape goats in the kick-backs and sacrificed to be obliterated from Political scene!!

7. Sonia Gandhi became a voter in 1980, a solid three years before she became a citizen of India while she was still a citizen of Italy which constituted a violation of Section 31 of the Representation of the People Act, 1950 that is punishable with imprisonment for one year or with fine or both.”

8. Being an Italian citizen, she was director of Maruti Technical Services Private Limited from 1973.to 1975 violating FERA and as per Section 56 of the Act she should have been imprisoned for a maximum period of seven years. Yet law did not take its course in the case of Sonia.

9. Sonia illegally working as MD of Maruti Technical Services was exporting coffins to Virginia Cover de Rodrigues of Tribute Caskets in US, and Rodrigues had links to the drug lord Manuel Noriega. Rodrigues was paid through an account bearing the name Svenska millions of dollars and it was also the same account that was used to channel Bofors kickbacks.

10. Archbishop Marcinkus, former president of the Vatican Bank, that handled drug money was wanted by police in US and Italy when he was received red-carpet treatment in India and conducted Catholic service at 10 Janpath for Sonia in 1986.

11. Bofors fame Quattrocchi’s wife Maria is Sonia’s cousin. Quattrocchi got nearly US$40 million in kickbacks on the US$1,300 million Bofors arms purchase and the Italian government asked India October 2003 to withdraw the Interpol’s red corner notice issued against him. Win Chedda who was in our social circuit in Dubai had clearly indicated about the involvement of Rajiv Gandhi in the Bofors scam and he used to get cabinet decisions by fax from Rajiv’s office. Rajiv was also seen in Dubai, visiting the Jumbo Electronics office secretly in the night when its owner Chabria, was wanted in India by the Police. These aspects should be looked in to by the CBI.

We are all aware how Sonia managed through the CBI and law Minister Bharadwaj, defreezing of the impounded money in London bank and how quottrochi withdrew the millions within minutes and disappeared.

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