A Thank you Note from Haindava Keralam

published on November 30, 2009

During the month off August, Haindava Keralam launched ‘Lavanya Mangalya Nidhi’ to help organize the wedding of Smt. Lavanya, daughter of Late Shri. Pushparajanji of Chooranadu, Kerala.

( https://www.haindavakeralam.com/HKPage.aspx?PageID=8984&SKIN=S )

We are happy to announce that with the help and support of all our readers and well wishers, Haindava Keralam was able to raise a sum of  One Lakh and Twenty Five thousand rupees for this wedding. The amount has been received by the Seva Bharathi in Kerala and handed over to the family. The wedding was held on 27th August 2009 with the blessings of all our supporters

Haindava Keralam takes this opportunity to thank one and all of you and expect your support in all our future commitments to our Hindu society all over the world.

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