‘You are not the Chief Minister and what you say is not right ‘ – CM succumb to Muslim League again

published on June 27, 2012

Thiruvananthapuram: Kerala Chief Minister ate crow and took a U turn under the blackmail of their powerfull ally Muslim League.

Yesterday when confronted with this controversial decision of Muslim league Minister to bypass cabinet decisions to allow aided status to 35 Muslim mamnagement schools , Chief Minister told ’I am the Chief Minister and what I say is right.’’ According to Chief Minister yesterday Government will not give aided status to these Minority schools instead Government itself will take over those schools. Even in Chief Minister’s website it said “Cabinet meeting on June 13 had decided that the 35 (AIP) schools in Malappuram district funded by the Centre would be converted to government schools”

But today the Chief Minister mellowed down and started speaking like a true politician again! Muslim League which has learnt it’s own ways to make sure they know how to implement things what they want by hook or crook won once again. Now we the tax payers have to aid all these Muslim schools while their management will get sit and count the lakhs which they get for each post in this ‘Education Business’.

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