Will Censor board give permission for ‘Mohammad and Aysha’ or ‘Jesus and Mary’ for a vulgar movie?

published on October 26, 2011

Child abuses and Sexual perversions have become a daily affair in Kerala and now here comes a movie titled ‘Krishnanum Radhayum’ as yet another tool to denigrate passive Hindu society.

No need to guess the fate of a film maker, if he dare to create a vulgar movie which promote pervert fantasies and child abuse with the name ‘Muhammad and Aisha’ or ‘Jesus and Mary’.Will censor board give permission if such a movie with any of the above two names come infront of them to sign it off?

HK – No protests from Hindu organisations against this vulgar portrayal of Hindu symbols has been reported. Yes, Indeed this is the very same reason why these perverts dare to spit on our faces.   

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