Vinay Joshi’s Manly Action to Put Records Straight ; An Ounce of Action is Better Than a Tons of Frothy Talk

By G V Chelvapilla published on February 4, 2016

Ref : Legal Action Taken Against Vicious Anti-RSS Article in Shillong Times

All that RSS did was to carry out a route march in Shillong, Megalaya Capital and then it is labeled as fascist or Nazi, two terms never got exhausted against RSS , this diatribe was indulged by all and sundry, from Congress to Communists , Moslem league to Churches. Because all of them saw RSS and its uncompromising patriotism and devotion to all encompassing humanism which has been our culture and civilization , the Sanatana Dharma also referred as Hinduism at present, as a barrier , as an obstruction to their various designs such as corruption, establish tyranny in the name of proletariat, proselytization of Hindus , in turn pave way for further divisions and partitions of India. 

It is good unlike ignoring such baseless attacks, Sri Vinay Joshi  is taking a manly action. For too long with enormous funds at their disposal Churchianity despite its historical sordid record of persecution of Pagans in Europe, heathens in Americas and Hindus in India notably in places like Goa in the past and N E India at present , went unopposed in their campaign to harvest souls.

At least we should be thankful for the recognition of existence of soul among Hindus. African natives did not have that luck for a long time, hence since they are considered  soulless ,  with clear conscience they were rounded up, taken on slave ships to Americas and Europe .  After centuries of such soulless inflicting of slavery on unsuspecting African blacks who had similar belief system like we do, they were worshipers of nature, they held trees as sacred, finally slavery got banned both in Britain first and then in America. The blacks in Africa were made to go around a tree they were worshiping and take a oath , not to stage an escape from their captivity while being transported in slave ships or while in slavery.

Still despite such record, anti-Hindu propaganda went on  during Colonialism , subsequently under Congress reign.

Swami Vivekananda had first hand experience of the viciousness through distortions against both India and Hinduism, at a time both were being squeezed dry of their blood ( the stated policy openly announced  by secretary of state for India in Britain in early 19th century, please refer to Savarkar’s book, First war of Independence, about 1857 revolution) insults are added to injury for conversions and for perpetuating slavery of an entire nation of highest and noble civilization. Please also see Will Durant’s ‘ the case for India’ published in 1931.

A picture of elder sister giving a bath to her younger sibling in a river, was shown in America by the missionaries, and the faithful , simple but  gullible flock were told this was Hindu custom to drown babies. Swami Vivekananda cited this instance as an example of  anti-Hindu  propaganda in his time.

That in spite of such viciousness and exploitation , India emerged into freedom as well as making progress and achieving development is a testament to presence of hand of providence blessing India , her culture and civilization, protecting them from extinction as happened to world’s ancient civilizations in Europe, Americas , many parts of Africa and Asia.

What Sri Vinay Joshi is doing a manly action in support of truth . An ounce of action is better than a tons of frothy talk. It may surprise even in Secular India, where vote banks are pampered that majority too have certain rights and privileges same as any body else. Hindus also have a right to preserve themselves, their religion and culture and civilization and serve humanity per noble values inherited from timeless, ageless traditions.

We should be grateful for Sri Vinay Joshi and many such brave and noble souls all over India .

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