‘Together we will keep BJP away from Kerala assembly’ pledges Congress and CPM

published on June 17, 2014

Thiruvananthapuram:  In the history of Kerala assembly yesterday was a black day. Ruling front led by Congress and the opposition led by CP(IM) came into a consensus yesterday to support each other to check the growth of BJP in Kerala. The biggest issue faced by Kerala now is ‘How to stop the march of saffron party into Kerala assembly’. Both fronts shared their concerns and discussed ways to join their hands together to prevent that so called ‘catastrophe’ happening in Kerala.

K Muraleedharan , Congress MLA from Thiruvananthapuram have clearly lost his sleep considering the strides made by BJP in the district in recent loksabha elections. He warned that “There is no point in going for analysis of  political history now. The present generation study various issues in detail and takes a political decision accordingly,’’“Both the UDF and the LDF had ridiculed O Rajagopal as one doomed to loose. But he had reaped dividends,’’ he pointed out. ‘’At least to prevent BJP nominees from coming to this House, the Congress and the Left should join hands and help each other,’’ he said.

CPM ‘s E P Jayarajan too echoed the same sentiments. According to him blind opposition of the Congress towards Left parties had led to the growth of the BJP in the country. He blamed and ‘corrupt’ media for BJP’s victory. Inspite of this he was relieved by the fact that BJP came to power by securing only 31% votes. No one were to ask Jayarajan the % his party or his front gained in this election. Also he conveniently forgets the fact that it was not the victory of BJP alone but it was the victory of BJP and his allies together under NDA and only his illiterate party followers will only buy his illogical arguments like this.

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