Three Pertinent Questions

via By SYNONYMOUS published on November 5, 2006

As Kerala State is celebrating 50 years of its existence, all Kerala Hindus must ask these three pertinent questions to their conscience:-


  • Why 99% of the military and para-military personnel who die are Hindus?
  • Why 99% of the terrorists and militants are Muslims?
  • Why 99% of the scampers and corruptors are Christians?

If all the Hindus of Kerala, including the leftists, rightists and non-aligned can ponder over these three questions and reach a conclusion, then there is some scope for a survival of our community into the twenty second century.  The seriousness of the matter has reached such an alarming level that until and unless the ridiculous leftists and secularists of Kerala are physically threatened to think about it, will there be some sense put into their heads. In their hysteria with leftist ideologies, the young Hindu SFI/AISF/DYFI/AIYF followers are missing the build up of Islamic and Christian forces at the borders of our own lands.


A typical argument put forth by the so-called elitist Hindus is about the plurality of Indian nation and their preference to keep it that way. This is definitely a very good intention but the point they are missing is that it should be a level playing field for all. Hinduism is not playing on a level playing field vis-a-vis Islam and Christianity. While Christianity is pumping millions of dollars into India for unhindered proselytisation, Islam is wiping out thousands of Hindus by cold blooded murder. In this scenario, how can we even think of a plural society with flowers of all colours and shapes? At the current rate of demographic changes, Hindus will be an unorganised and weak minority in Kerala by 2025 AD. We do not need any detailed study to arrive at this conclusion. Read all the newspapers everyday and analyse the happenings on your own.


And for the learned minority leaders who genuinely argue for plurality, the basic question regarding plurality and flexibility of their own religions remain. Islam is the most inflexible of all religions and it is getting more and more rigid everyday. Christian leaders, including the Pope, are audacious in declaring that “Christ is the only way”. The lone holy books of both these religions do not have provisions to allow another religion to exist. Then how can we talk of plurality at all? Until and unless the top leaders of these communities admit their intentions to reform their religions and take steps to do so, there should not be any compromise in our approach to them.


For Hindus of Kerala, it is time now to learn from Pakistan , Bangladesh , Papua New Guinea and our own North Eastern states. All these territories had substantial population of Hindus (or Natives) even a few years back. If you analyse their situation now, we can see the sharp decline in their numbers after the majority community became either Islam or Christianity. The same thing is going to happen in Kerala as well unless we act now. The oil money, missionaries and our own disunity will dig our grave in no time. It is now or never for the Hindus of Kerala.  

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