The great theft of Tsunami fund

via HK Correspondent published on January 22, 2006

The proper management of disaster, and rehabilitation of the victims of disaster is of increasing importance of the government. Proper risk assessment, settlement of victims, allocation of funds, immediate housing of disaster victims, and crisis intervention are necessary approach for the government. Not in Kerala where the government is dominated by Christians and Muslims. During the Tsunami tragedy, kerala government failed to respond with either efficiency, or compassion as the unspeakable calamity unfolded amidst Kerala cost.


Thousands of people in Kerala were affected by Tsunami. Most of the victims were Hindus. Instead of providing emergency service and assistance for the victims, Omman Chandy government created severe obstacles for social services provided by Seva Bharathi, Mata Amritananda Mai Mat, VHP and other Hindu organizations. Kerala government stood between Tsunami victims who faced severe suffering and Hindu social service organizations preventing help for fear RSS and other Hindu organizations will get credit for immediate assistance provided for the victims. Crores of rupees were collected from all over the world for Tsunami victims. Central government and thousands of citizens contributed crores of rupees for the Tsunami fund.


Now news reports indicate that Omman Chandy government has allocated the lion share of Tsunami fund for the Christians and Muslims. It has been reported that most of Tsunami fund has been diverted to Kottayam, Malappuram districts and Christian/Muslim constituencies not affected by Tsunami. From the Tsunami relief fund, 270 million rupees were allocated to Kottayam dominated by Christians. Rupees 20 million was granted for the construction of a bridge in Palai, the constituency represented by K.M.Mani. Tsunami funds were not offered to Kollam and Alleppy districts where most of the Tsunami victims reside. The Omman Chandy government think the poor Tsunami victims don’t need a baseline government funded resource infrastructure-just vague lip service. The Chandy government has decided that rich Christian farmers, rubber plantation owners, and spice exporters need emergency funds more than Tsunami victims.


The Omman Chandy government kept circumventing the most logical question all time, such as how much money has been provided for Tsunami victims. The excessive resource allocation for Muslims and Christians will never be over. It is time Hindus started thinking about unity and political activism. Hindus should harbor no illusion about the government’s ability to respond efficiently to disasters if the victims are Hindus. Tsunami has destroyed more than countless lives and communities. Amid the agony of Tsunami aftermath, we are witnessing Chandy government’s indifference for the victims and gross disregard for all civilized norms.


Under the Omman Chandy administration, Kerala is experiencing a major transformation from a secular to Muslim/Christian government. Muslim/Christian supremacy encompasses all branches of the government. Politically, Christian/Muslim supremacy is an agenda to get all political, economic, educational and commercial institutions under their control. This supremacy is reflected  by excessive resource allocation by the government for Christian/Muslim institutions.


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