The first rays of nationalism permeated into my heart from RSS Shakhas – Major Ravi

published on August 26, 2014

Ascertaining the stride of Hindu culture forward is the only way to ensure the security of the nation, said renowned movie director MajorRavi. The statements were made during the inauguration of Rashtra Suraksha Sammelanam, held as part of Hindu Mahasammelanam in Ananthapuri.

“Love for the nation, concern for national security are not passions that defense personnel alone should possess. It is a deep rooted feeling which every citizen should have. Till the time we acquired independence, nationalism meant serving the motherland. But after we attained independence, nationalism has become synonymous with business- a venture where MPs and MLAs spend crores to acquire an extra set of crores. They are least bothered or concerned about national security,” said Major Ravi.

Pointing out that these are the very people who have branded as ‘communal’, those who spoke of nationalism in its truest and purest form, Major Ravi said “Today, there are many who refrain from voicing out openly or publicly their associations with RSS.”

Emphasizing the need to say with conviction, the love we possess for our motherland, Major Ravi said that his decision to join the armed forces was because of his associations with Sangh. “In my childhood, my parents ensured that I attended Sangh Shakhas for an hour. This was what inspired me to join the armed forces. The first rays of nationalism permeated into my heart from Sangh Shakhas,” said the former defense officer.

“Today there is rampant discussions about the term Hindusthan being used. Have we given a thought to why Bharat should not be addressed as ‘Hindusthan’, when our neighbouring nation is known as Pakistan? Being a Hindu should be a matter of pride for anyone who believes in the roots of Hindu culture, be their faith that of a Christian’s or Muslim’s.”

“There are people from Pakistan Embassy who came here for discussions, who justify their act of having held discussions with Yasin Malik of Pakistan. We should be aware of the perils people like these pose- the very persons who justify the cause of Yasin Malik, a person who waged war against the country by using scores of women as proxy. There is no one to bring to book a person like Arundhati Roy, who spoke despicably about Mahatma Gandhi,” he thundered.

“It is not a Hindu or Muslim who instigates riots here. It is thehidden agenda of a few politicians. They are the very same people whoterm as ‘communal’ those who are the real nationalists. Today, national security is not in the hands of politicians. It lies in the hands of civilians. We should also be aware of the divisive forces that are at work in Kerala. There are reports that Kerala will soon be like Kashmir, in a span of a mere 8 years, if this continues,” he pointed out.

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