The Bizarre Assaults and Mysterious Deaths of Trikkaripur: All Executed in Taliban Style

published on May 1, 2012

For over a month, Trikkaripur stands witness to bizarre instances of attack and violent assaults, which have led the people of the place to believe that the style of effecting is indeed ‘Taliban’istic. Any small incident that occurs in this place now escalates and mounts up to flaring incidents which have now instilled terror in the hearts of the people living there. The mode of attack speaks of a very organized pattern while executing the deed. The executors of these anti-social deeds are mostly below the age of 25.

Just recently, in a span of 2 weeks, 3 instances of heinous violence have taken place. A mob attacked the shop of Rajeev, Koyankara and ransacked it violently. A case was registered, where 6 culprits have been remanded. Another incident is where Sanoj, son of Gopalakrishnan, hailing from Pallom was brutally assaulted while playing the game of carom. A group of people have been remanded in this case, with charges of bid to murder slapped on them.

The third is the case of Rejilesh, who hailed from a poverty stricken family in Mettammal. Rejilesh was the sole breadwinner and pillar of support of his family. However, he was the victim of a brutal group assault, which led to his mysterious death. The entire drama was well planned an d executed by none other than his business partner Nisar and his anti-social group. Prior to his death, Rejilesh was constantly subjected to emotional and physical torments.

Both Rejilesh and Nisar began a business on partnership basis, which took off well. With business prospects blooming and looking high, Nisar began looking for ways to dump Rejilesh from the partnership. This led to the brewing of a series of troubles for Rejilesh. He was asked to keep away from the partnership, which Rejilesh simply refused to obey. What followed from Nisar’s side was utter spite and vengeance, where he falsely implicated Rejilesh in a case of being involved with a woman. He was called out from his home by a group hired by Nisar. That was the last of Rejilesh seen by his family members. What they saw next was his badly battered and shredded dead body on the railway tracks.  

However, the response from the police has not been very congenial or responsive. They have made only a few arrests that involve Nisar and a few accomplices. The actual report speaks of the involvement and conspiracy by active Jihadi organisations in the area.However, reports of freeing many of those involved are now coming in.

Rejilesh’s death has resulted in the reeling of his family in acute poverty. Following his murder, a house visit was made by KPCC President Ramesh Chennitala, where a promise of financial aid was also promised. However, the words remain hollow till today, with no movement ever taking place in the financial direction. The State Home Minister had issued stern directions to the investigating officers, asking them to spare no efforts in bringing the culprits to book. However the passage of time saw flimsy action being taken against only a few of them. Just a few of the culprits were taken into custody, following which no further action was ever seen. It has even been alleged that some of those wielding power has even tried to shield the culprits. And so the further progress of the case looks bleak and disheartening.

Trikkaripur is now being moulded into a land that is fertile for the propagation of religious terrorism. There have been clear informative reports of the furthering of anti-national activities in the area, coupled with training being rendered in the militant sphere. There have also been clear indications of terror links with other states and countries.

With a lukewarm attitude displayed by the police department and the shielding of those involved in crimes by those who are in political power are indeed deplorable. The instance of Rejilesh is not an isolated one, it reflects the plight of an entire society that now stands mute and helpless to the unleashing of terror. If the matter is not given a serious approach by the elected leaders of our land, without any kind of investigation or probe being initiated, matters are bound to take horrifying and ugly turns in days to come.

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