Swayamsevak’s murder – Media moan over cancelled shopping spree

published on December 1, 2010

Palakkad: While the near and dear of Ratheesh along with lakhs of Hindus across the Nation were moaning the murder of Ratheesh, Media in Kerala is moaning the cancellation of Grand shopping festival which supposed to be held in Palakkad today. The event was cancelled following the Hartal called by Hindu organisations in protest against the brutal murder and attack of Hindu activists.

What good is for our civilised society if they cannot console and condemn the murder of a youth. Print media , especially Mathrubhumi devoted more space to highlight the grief caused to public as a result of the cancellation of this Shopping festival. A youth has been murdered in broad day light  by the thugs of ruling party and the shameless insensitive media moan over a shopping spree! Those who pen such reports fail to understand that the youth who lost his life was son of his parents, brother of his siblings and a friend of those who knew him. His only crime was that he considered  his motherland as sacred as his own mother. Such devotion towards Nation is indigestible to the followers of a alien ideology whose only tool is violence and intolerance.      

In a retaliatory attack following the brutal murder of Ratheesh by CPM killer squad , two CPM thugs were injured. The CPM thugs Harish and Yusuf were attacked from Erattayad in Palakkad district. CPM office in Kanchikode also were attacked by furious Hindu activists who lost  their associate.

Leaders of the Hindu organisations no more can sit idle and passive to such onesided  attack against it’s activists.    

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