Swami Sandeep Chaitanya gave clean Chit to controversial Text Book!

via HK published on July 7, 2008

Thiruvananthapuram: Swami Sandeep Chaitanya is one of the respected spiritual leaders who won the heart of millions through his exemplary Gita parayan skills.


It is disheartening when some one close to our heart especially spiritual gurus, taking diametrically opposite stands against Hindu society.


Swami Sandeep Chaitanya’s press release on Text book controversy is prominently carried by all Visual and Print media.( This is the same media which completely blacked out Swamiji’s statement on transferring administration of Temples to Hindus in Hindu Matha Convention)


As per reports Swami Sandeep Chaitanya gave clean chit to the VII standard text book and commented that the Text book shouldn’t be withdrawn. Few days earlier we saw swamiji in a DYFI function against fake spiritual leaders. (Of course all Hindu organisations are against fakes and fraudsters, but for a Hindu who is well aware of recent happenings sharing dias with DYFI goons is a bit difficult to digest  )


Now coming back to Text book, HK don’t know whether swamiji went through the whole controversial book or not. We wonder whether swamiji’s clean chit to the book is after reading page 34 which mentions about ‘Freedom Struggle in Malabar’.


As per the Text Book version


freedom.JPGThe 1921 Mappila Riots were against British , The Text book highlights that Khilafath leaders  Ali Musaliyar and Kunhahammed Haji gave strict warnings that not to attack any Hindus.British forces used brutal force against that freedom struggle and give a appalling picture of wagon tragedy to show how cruel British were against those patriotic Muslims


Hope swamiji is aware about the true History in which terming Khilafath as freedom struggle is the greatest injustice to History. As each student of History know khilafath movement was not for India’s freedom but the support of Muslim brotherhood of Malabar to Caliphate of Turkey.


HK request Swamiji to go through this compilation from Historical facts about the fate of poor Hindus who fell prey to Jihadi Marauders of Malabar. One thing is for sure the sufferings of Criminals inside that ‘wagon’ is only minimal when considering the pain of thousands who were slaughtered and dumped in wells of Malabar.




Those who take stand supporting and against the Text book may have their own Political or Religious motive. An average Hindu is not much worried about instilling secularism in text book and won’t see red in such ideals. But this falsified history to glorify the fanatics is like spitting on a Hindu psyche.


HK request all Hindu organisations and Spiritual leaders to stay together and fight against this distorted history.

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