Swami Chidanandapuri inaugurated Pradam Sangh Shiksha Varg

via HK published on April 24, 2007

Thrissur: This year’s Sanghshiksha Varg (OTC) of Kerala Paranth was inaugurated by Swami Chidananda Puri yesterday, 23rd April, at Sree Durga Vilasan School, Peramangalam Thrissur. About 500 trainees are participating in the 20 days long Varg.



In his inaugural speech addressing Swayamsevaks swamiji highlighted the need of protecting our Cultural Nationalism, otherwise the fate of other ancient civilizations will doom upon us as well.


The whole world is now looking towards the guidance of Bharath and the sons of Bharath should rise to the occasion bearing the torch of our great heritage.


Swamiji compared the sons of Bharath who succumbed to foreign powers as the spoiled brats of a wealthy family. The deviance and ignorance about our culture was the prime reason, which pushed Bharath towards slavery under foreign powers.


We cannot sideline the role of antinational Media in Bharath, Media has done enough damage to portray Hinduism in a erroneous manner.


Swamiji with an ample example illustrated the effects of Semitic religion in Bharath.As the deforestation of a forest in order to plant Eucalyptus destroys the biodiversity of the forest , Likewise the Semitic Religions in Bharath is destroying our rich cultural diversities.


Swayamsevaks should be moulded tough enough to withstand all challenges against Bharath and our Rich culture and inspire the fellow citizens by guiding them in the path of virtue and righteousness. A plant growing in the fields and marshy land are easy to pluck and destroy but not those plants growing in hilly terrain. Like that swayamsevaks should be strong enough in any adverse situations exhorted swamiji in his inspiring speech.


Pranth Sanghchalak P.E.B. Menon conducted Acharya Pooja,Varg Adhikari Dr. Ravindran presided the function, Dakshin Kshetra Pracharak S. Sethumadhavan, Pranthpracharak A.Gopalakrishnan ,P.Sudhagaran , C.K.Radhakrishnan and many other senior Adhikaries attended the inaugural function.

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