Supine subservience of the people of Kerala

via Mahadev published on March 5, 2006

Kochi, Mar 5: Eventually terror has come to Kerala. Two explosions triggered by timer devices rocked the Kozhikode city, said reports.


Terrorists have been active in the state for several years. It was reported by several national dailies years back  that Kerala’s coastal belt had become the centre of anti-national terrorist activities. They were quoting the country’s prestigious Intelligence agencies of the defence and the IB.


Even the Intelligence wing of the state police had received information that the Lashkar-e-Toiba had been trying to form units in the state since 2001. But the governments in Kerala run by the pseudo-secular Communists and Congress cartels did not seem to have taken it seriously the warnings by the Intelligence Agencies. Reason for the impervious attitude was probably that the terrorists were Muslims. Irony is that for the  Communists and the Congress and the small fries just dancing around them, taking any action against the anti-nationals and terrorists, if they happen to be the minorities, is fascism.


These anti-nationals, extremists, and their well wishers and supporters are anti-Hindus and are against Hinduism. Hence they support the Communists and the Congress-led fronts, which are their protectors.


Turning a deaf ear to the warnings given by the Intelligence Agencies through the media resulted in the brutal massacre of 8 fisherman on the Marad beach by Muslim extremists.


Recently in the Mannancherry area of Alappuzha, Marad model weapons including bombs were recovered. 15 NDF activists were also taken into custody. Neither the LDF nor the UDF had shown any seriousness. Where as they have been together to demand the release of Abdul Nasser Madani, who has been locked up in a Coimbatore jail in connection with a series of bomb blasts there during the visit of Mr L K Advani.


Giving support to terrorists, whether  it is the Christian outfits in the north eastern states and elsewhere or the Muslims in other parts of the country including Kerala is suicidal. It is nothing but throwing the baby away along with the bathwater.


The lenient attitude of the congress leaders right from the pre-independence era, had culminated in the division of the country. If Gandhiji’s unlimited tolerance towards Muslims had resulted in the division of the country and creation of an Islamic Pakistan and again an Islamic Bangladesh, it was the folly of Pundit Nehru has created the ‘incurable Kashmir cancer’ in the Indian body.


These political leaders and their parties to remain in power and create vote-banks allowed the Muslims to stay back after bifurcation. On the other hand they allowed the Christian missionaries to open their conversion shops  in the tribal areas of the North-East, Central, Western and Eastern India. This has resulted in the deployment of thousands of priests and nuns from Kerala in these states. The number of dioceses and churches has multiplied several fold since independence. The multiplication is not through births but through conversions only. Their population is estimated to be around 7.5 per cent in next few years.  The situation has, thus, reached such a stage that Christian priests started speaking for the tribals in most of the states such as MP, Orissa, Gujarat etc  and even against the recently concluded Shabari Mela


In the East when the Christians become majority they started secessionist movements. Infiltration from Bangladesh of Muslims is another thorn on the Hindustan’s flesh. Lakhs of Muslims trespassed into the country’s Eastern States, mainly Assam, and that has already changed the demography of the region. In Kerala Christians and Muslims have become a powerful community  wielding political and economic power because of the supine subservience of the Hindus.


The Mapillah rebellion that was described by Ms Annie Besant, as the “Malabar’s Agony” was glorified as a heroic episode in the freedom struggle and the participants have been rewarded with pension by the rulers.  In this so called freedom struggle “not only Hindu landlords but hundreds of poor Nairs and Thiyyas were plundered ad harrassed and massacred or forcibly converted to Islam in a few days of the reign of terror. Large number of Hindus, inlcuding women and children, became refugees in other parts of Malabar or in Cochin and Travancore”.  And, for the E M Shankaran Namboothiripad, (EMS), the Communist ideologue and the first Chief Minister of Kerala, it was a mere “peasant revolt” and hence to appease the Muslims they re-christined the ‘mapillah rebellion’ as the ‘Malabar rebellion and the “Peasant Rebellion”. The dubious intention of the Communists was exposed “as the peasant revolt is also unsuitable since the Mappilahs formed only a small part of the peasant population of Malabar”. 


Further to please the Muslim community the EMS government had created, in fact, a Muslim district, Malappuram, for them.  Now with this district as the epicentre, anti-national terrorist activities are taking place under the nose of the rulers, who cannot raise even their little finger, as both the alliances are deeply indebted to them to remain in power and reduce the Hindus as an insignificant entity using the intellectually enslaved Hindus here.


Again the rule of the nation has been passed on to foreign powers in a silver platter by those forces which had not only divided the country but also laid the foundation for further divisions, and a future conflict between Christians and Muslims for the ownership of India. Either of these groups when becomes dominant that will sound the death knell of communism and secularism in India. But the Communist and Congress Hindus of India still do not understand that in none of the around 56 Islamic republics in the world including Pakistan and Bangladesh, there is democracy, or secularism or communism.


The fate of communism in the Christian dominated countries is also not different. Thus, the Communists in the country are digging their own graves by working overtime to destroy Hinduism and Hindutva with the help of Christian churches and the Muslim fundamentalists and terrorists. As has happened in the Eastern Bloc countries and elsewhere in the world, the Churches in those countries would bury the communists in these graves dug by them.


Of course, there had no chances for the communists to sow their seeds in any of the Muslim countries. Where as the Muslims could do so even in the communist citadels like China and thus become a victim of Muslim fundamentalism. Though it is claimed to be a religion of brotherhood, where ever its followers managed to convert the natives there all one can witness violence and separatist movements destroying peace and security. Look at what is happening in Southern Thailand, the Mindanao Islands of Philippines,  Bali, Indonesia, even in UK recently. Needless to speak about India which is  a victim of it’s menace for centuries. Now it has reached Kerala also. There may be hardly 30 per cent Muslims who are peace loving and even their survival is also threatened. 


It is high time, therefore, that the politicians of Kerala, especially the Hindus like the NSS leaderships at least, should open their eyes and look around them to see how they are being grilled.   



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