Shameless SFI Perverts Tortured a Deaf Boy

via HK published on August 24, 2009



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Thrissur: Perverted SFI leaders of Thriprayar Polytechnic
college found happiness in torturing a deaf boy in the name of Ragging.


Nanda Kishore (19) who is congenitally deaf  fought all odds in his life with the support
of his family and friends until now , that he never thought there will be
animals like this in colleges hiding inside the robe of SFI suits.Nanda Kishore
was brutally tortured and hit with canes all over his body after making him
naked by the SFI leaders Anu Anand, Balakrishnan and Sajith.   


Nanda Kishore’s eyes were still lurking in pain and shock while
explaining the dreadful incident through actions and signs to Media persons
from the Hospital. Doctors who saw Nanda Kishore told that there is internal
injury which had affected the Spinal cord. Blood is clotted all over the body.


Principal of this college is also a local CPM leader, He
first tried to suppress the case and threatened Nandakishore’s mother to write
a letter that they have no complaint!. If there were no intervention of local
ABVP unit this torture must have also been credited to the log books of SFI party
unit. These leaders will become the Home Minister and Education Ministers of
future Kerala!

ABVP demanded full treatment expenses should be given by Government for the poor family of Nanda Kishore and to take necessary action against the SFI leaders who ragged this deaf boy and to bring them infront of law and give stringent punishment.  

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