Saudi Arabia funding Jihadi groups in Kerala

via HK Correspondent published on January 21, 2006

Thrivanamthapuram : Many are aware of widespread Saudi financial contribution for Islamic groups in Kerala, but few know how potentially harmful they are. Kerala government remain unaware or unwilling to check this grave danger. Crores of rupees continue to flow from wealthy Saudis through Saudi-based Islamic charitable and relief organizations to Islamic groups in Kerala. Saudi and Middle East illegal funds are used to finance media centers, publications, ant-Hindu websites and television channels. Ill-gotten funds are also used to buy property in and around sensitive areas, near Hindu temples and near important Hindu cultural institutions.

Kerala government controlled by Muslim and Christian power groups has not taken any positive steps to stop the free flow of Saudi money for Islamic organizations. It is being reported that E.Ahamed, Muslim League State Minister for Foreign Affairs is in tandem with Islamic fundamentalist groups in Saudi Arabia facilitating the growth of extremist Jihadi organizations in Kerala.

Military intelligence officials have warned the government of explosives being smuggled into Kerala by Jihadis. Kerala government has not cracked down Jihadi militants nor met its promise to prevent the spread of illegal weapons. Experts on national security and terrorism say that countless young Muslims from kerala have undergone terrorist training financed and directed by Pakistan ISI. Counter terrorism and Intelligence officials confirm the aggressive role played by Pakistan ISI agents in recruiting, training and deploying Jihadi terrorists around the country. Islamic terrorists and arms smugglers recently arrested in malabar are suspected of being linked to a planned new series of bombing in North Kerala. The arrested man was suspected of belonging to sleeper cell established by NDF, an extremist Islamic group in Kerala.

Failure to monitor, control and apprehend Islamic terrorists and neutralize terrorist sleeper cells will affect the safety and security of the Nation.

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