Police officers in the pay roll of Jihadi terrorists

via HK published on July 6, 2010

Thiruvananthapuram: Attempt to sabotage Police investigation against NDF terrorists is said to be happening behind the scenes. A section of Police officers with Jihadi leanings are behind this move to bail out the terrorist organisation from much damage. The pact made by terrorist leaders of Popular front with Police was exposed when a section among Police forces itself opposed it.

According to the pact Popular front will give names of few of their terrorist and Police should arrest them. By that Popular front can protect the real culprits and can stop further enquiry into the role of conspiracy in which the organisations National and State leaders are involved.

It is the presence of these Jihadi sympathisers among Police many of the earlier investigations on Jihadi terrorism been compromised. Informers within the Police alert NDF terrorists on any raid or move within the force to nab the culprits.  Most of the terrorism related case were solved recently by effective intervention of NIA and Karnataka Police.  Police officers who are in the pay roll of these Anti National forces should be exposed and Government should take strict action against them   for the larger benefit of the Nation and State.

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