Only those with Courage to Combat can Secure Rights: Kummanam Rajashekharan

published on August 12, 2014
Hindu Aikya Vedi General Secretary Kummanam Rajashekharan has reiterated that only those with the zeal to take giants strides of courageous combat can secure rights that are denied. Delivering the key note address at Bharatar Mahajana Sabha Golden Jubilee celebrations at Kumaranalloor, he said that the very foundation of Bharatar Mahajana Sabha was the result of a series of courageous combats put up by luminaries like Neelakandhan Vaidyan and others in 1940.

“The organization took birth at a time when it was even impossible to enter an office and express grievances. This is in fact part of the struggle for the renaissance of Kerala,” he said.

A valorous youth named Chittethu Shanku Pillai was lashed most cruelly as he took part in the Vaikom Satyagraham, for securing the rights of those belonging to scheduled castes. It was a fatal episode. Other tortures included applying limestone in the eyes of Padmanabha Pillai, which led to permanent blindness in him. These are instances of valour of an entire generation, which had pledged themselves to securing rights,” said Kummanam Rajashekharan, adding that there was no way the newer generation could learn these inspirational instances.

“Ayyankali was the greatest and loftiest revolutionary Kerala ever witnessed. However, no government has ever thought of including his life history in academic curriculum. Around 300 years back Pathanamthitta district stood witness to an episode of renaissance in Kerala history, when Tapaswi Omal, member of a scheduled caste, conducted a ShivaPrathishtta (consecration of Lord Shiva’s vigraham). All these should serve as valuable lessons of inspiration for newer generations,” he exhorted.

Pointing out that when organizations decide to launch into struggles, “their sole aim should be attainment of social and spiritual causes”, Kummanam Rajashekharan said that “the moment a combat starts trailing behind any materialistic cause, the end result would only be squabbles, disagreement and disputes.”

“When members of the scheduled castes united against Ranganath Mishra Commission report, which only served to sabotage their very causes and being, members of other communities should consider the same as a role model. They should join hands with all other organizations which serve a common interest and hold debates and discussions in case of conflicting causes. This would only serve to resolve issues and lead to a committed forging ahead,” he added.

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