One more ‘Cruel Joke’ on Kerala Hindus by Paloli and Co.

via HK published on February 21, 2008

Thiruvananthapuram: As a cruel joke against Hindus in the state, Panel headed by Local Administration Minister Paloli Mohammad Kutty (A Communist Jihadi who denied lighting lamp in a function as it is unislamic ) submitted their proposals for the upliftment of Muslims as per the directions of Sachar Committee

The report is prepared after receiving suggestions from various Jihadi outfits in the state.The main recommendations are for the welfare of Muslims in three different categories, viz Education, Woman empowerment and Employment.

In Education field since the formation of Kerala Educational Ministry was controlled completely by Minorities and by name sake Hindu only once! Still Paloli sing as per the tunes of Sachar! 90% of Educational institutions are controlled by these powerful Muslims and Christians.. Still Paloli recommends

1) Start more schools for Muslims alone
2) Bring Reservation for Muslim students in Aided Schools
3) Start Arabic University
4) Give Additional Weight age Marks in Entrance Exams ( or Reduce Marks of Hindus!)
5) Remove Negative marks from Entrance ( ? Negative Marks only for Hindus)

Now Coming to Women Empowerment- In what way the majority of Hindus are responsible for this Torture of Islamic woman in their home by the admirers of Taliban. Why should a Hindu Tax payer contribute for those schemes to empower Muslim women, which will never succeed unless the Islamic view of woman as a slave changes. Mushrooming purdah shops and increase in the number of Maternity wards in Muslim dominated districts indeed are the right way for the Empowerment

Another proposal covers the Employment issues of unemployed Muslims and for that Paloli suggest to revive Special Recruitment as per Narendran Commission report. In all the studies conducted in Kerala the Socio Economic status of Muslims in Kerala are much higher than Hindus. The Sole benefactors of Gulf Money is this Muslim Community. The fact being that Muslim youth are not interested in the peanuts they get from a Government Job but in the Petro Dinars and Dirhams in their Holy land. Their wilfull option of a job abroad is the reason for less number of Muslims in Government Jobs

Further recommendation includes creation of a Muslim Development Corporation in Kerala. The report will be presented in the Assembly, and will be finalised after further discussions, said the Chief Minister. There are cent percent chances for accepting all these recommendations or adding more sops in behalf of AKG centre.

When the organised Minorities are surging ahead in all field of life the Hindus in the state are reduced to mere spectators. By being passive against such blind Minority appeasement measures and heavy discrimination against Hindus, we are digging our own graves.

Hindus should realize that by creating controversies revolving Temples and engaging us by hosting several state sponsored Melas , Reality Shows and 24×7 Channels etc are tailored to deviate our attention from the real issue- Complete Marginalization of Hindus from Political, Economical, Social and Cultural arena.

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