Marxist-Islamic conspiracy to annihilate Hindu leaders

via HK published on July 30, 2006

Kannur: Withdrawal of security provided to RSS leader Valsan Thilankeri  by the Home ministry is the  part of Marxist-Islamic Terrorist conspiracy to annihilate Hindu leaders in the state.


Valsan Thilankeri a High profile leader of RSS in the state is in the hitlist of Jehadi Terrorist and CPM goons. He was victim to several murder attempt in past few years master minded by CPM-Islamic Terrorist nexus in the state.The sudden withdrawal of security provided to him is the result of pressure from evil forces who is behind his life.


Sangh Pariwar is the sole opponent for Marxism in the state. Marxism failed ideologically to counter Hindutva in intellectual plane and changed their strategy to suppress their opponents by force with the help of Jehadis

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