Martyred comrade’s father’s agony exposes Communist treachery

via HK published on December 8, 2006

Thiruvananthapuram: The father of Sakir an SFI leader who was murdered by PDP Jehadi terrorists cannot digest the present indifference of Communist leaders to fight with him against the Murderers of his Son!

Sakir an SFI leader of Govt. Law College was hacked to death by the Jehadi PDP terrorists in 1995.Cases were registered under 20 PDP terrorists at that time.

Now Political equations changed and Jehadi Terrorists PDP is now the favourite ally of these Communists .They beg votes in the elections holding the picture of PDP terrorist Abdul Nasser Madni .

All the accussed were acquited now as per the understandings between the Jehadi Terrorists and Communist opputunity seekers..In between their understandings they forgot about the family of Sakir their Martyr..Sakir’s father cannot understand this understandings and now he had filed a petition again to reopen the closed case.  

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