Love Jihad – Hindu organisations slams DGP’s ‘U’ turn

published on October 24, 2009

Thiruvananthapuram: Hindu organisations slammed Kerala DGP’s report submitted in Kerala High court giving clean chit to Jihadi Romeo’s.

The report submitted by Kerala DGP is an indirect confession that Love Jihad and Jihadi Romeos are creating havoc in Kerala, told respected leader P.Parameswarji.
The report holds water only ‘Technically’.As per DGP these all acts of terrorism can be considered as part of Inter Religous marriages! DGP in his report admits about the
involvement of Jihadi youth in Love Jihad but blames it on Media, Told Parameswarji.

Love Jihad is war against Humanity and God, Such heinous crimes should not be justified.Religous conversions should be made valid only after getting proof that no external inducements or force has been used and it should be purely based on individual preferences after studying the Religion which he or she is getting converted.Practices like Love Jihad make
use of inherent innocence of a human being and by luring and exploitation.This will result in the isolation of victims from the soceity and the blow it creates to their family and parents are immeasurable, Told Parameswarji.Love is divine, and those who commercialize and institutionalise this divine feeling should be punished in the harsh possible way.Civilised soceity should come forward to isolatethese fanatics, he added.

The U turn of Home department in Highcout regarding their own admission of Love Jihad in Kerala in case diaries once again shows the influence of Jihadi terrorist organisations
in the Government, Told Hindu Aikya Vedi leader R V Babu.Even after exposed with factual incidents of hundreds of cases involving Love Jihad-The stand taken by Police is to help
the criminal Jihadis in this deadly mission.

Mahila Morcha State President Shobha Surendran demanded probe against Love Jihad by Central agencies as Kerala Police is trying to sabotage this enquiry as well to protect
Jihadi leaders.The role of Women Terrorist leader Khadija of NDF is clearly mentioned in the case diaries but currently the enquiry is only against the two campus front activists
who lured the girls.Still hundreds of Hindu and Christian girls are trapped in Islamic conversion centres in Ponnani, Malappuram and Mukhadar in Kozhikode. Police should raid these
centres to release these girls trapped inside.Central Government should come forward to ban the Jihadi organisation Popular front who is aiding and abetting Love Jihad in Kerala,
told Shoba Surendran.Kerala BJP will request L.K.Advaniji to address this issue in Parliament.

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