‘Kshetra Vimochana Samaram’ Cannot Wait Anymore

published on June 25, 2009


There is a saying in Malayalam which wonders about the crowd in front of a ruler’s house on his birthdays and complete absence during his sick days. The same was in the case of BJP after the recent elections. Last time when BJP won, Naidus, Marans and Mamatas were crowding BJP head office at Delhi . But when it has been clandestinely defeated in the elections there is complete neglect by others, including its own partners and the media, even though it continues to be the main opposition party with over 110 seats. For unwanted and unknown reasons, BJP also presented a picture of=2 0complete disillusionment and lack of direction. Victory and failure are natural outcomes of elections and a party built on the eternal values of Hindutva must not be disillusioned by temporary setbacks.

Though the initial reactions of BJP has been quite unexpected, it is heartening to note that they have now unequivocally stated that Hindutva shall continue to be their fundamental basis for existence and practice.  In their assessment of the reasons for defeat, they have stated that the failure to get across the real meaning of Hindutva to ‘others’ as one of the reasons. Many of us cannot concur with this fully. BJP and Hindutva will have any meaning in India , if and only if all Hindus in India realize its true meaning. It is not at all needed of ‘others’ to agree and appreciate the efforts of BJP to promote Hindutva. It has been proved again and again that ‘others’ will not support and vote for BJP under any circumstances. BJP will degrade and degenerate into a B-team of the nasty dynastic Congress party if it carries on with this unfounded idea. In fact, the present scenario offers the best opportunity for BJP to take up truly reasonable Hindutva causes in states like Kerala and West Bengal . The advantages are doubly obvious.

Liberation of temple administration from the State is the best cause in Kerala that merits BJP’s attention. National leadership of BJP must take up this cause seriously and start the Kshetra Vimochana Samaram without any further delay. Leaders like Rajnath Singh and Advani must directly participate in this and elevate the gross discrimination to national and international attention. If the Samaram is banned in Kerala it is all the more good and it can be taken to Delhi and other state capitals. We should settle for nothing less than an agreement to release Hindu temples or extension of State administration to Mosques and Churches as well. As an interim preliminary step, the least we could settle for is complete disassociation of temple money from the State’s general budget. Under no circumstances should we agree for subsidizing Hajj pilgrimage, Paloli report implementation, Converted Christians’ welfare and sponsoring Church festivals from the general budget that includes temple money.

Instead, if BJP is waiting for atleast ONE individual from the s o-called minority communities in Kerala and Bengal to support and vote for them, it is complete disaster and death that awaits the political party. Even the most progressive and educated among these communities will NOT reconsider their anti-BJP and anti-Hindutva stance even for ONE moment. Neither IUML/INL/NDF/PDP nor Maani/Jacob/Joseph/George Congresses will ever side with BJP in Kerala.      

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