Kerala swallows one more Islamic insult, silently

published on March 12, 2013

Writer O.V. Vijayan’s statue disfigured in the state’s only Muslim-majority district

By Valsan

The recent disfiguring of the statue of the late Malayalam writer O.V.Vijayan in Kerala’s Muslim-dominated Malappuram district, is the latest indicator of the ongoing Islamization of the state.

The steady Islamization of Kerala, which has been ongoing for the past fifty years, gained new vigour after the Congress-led United Democratic Front (UDF) government, whose main ally is the fanatic Muslim League, came to power about two years ago.

Surprisingly, Kerala’s loud-mouthed media, which blows up even petty issues into major controversies, has been almost totally silent on this latest incident of Islamic intolerance. They very well know whom it is safe to attack, with or without any good reason, and whom it is not safe to even criticize mildly even if the criticism is fully justified, as it is in this case. The state’s dishonest ‘cultural leaders’ and academicians, like the media, have not opened their big mouths, knowing full well that, unlike Hindu swamis and pujaris, this is certainly not a very safe target for launching their verbal rockets. Both the media and the ‘intellectuals’ have buried their heads deep in the sand and pretended as if the disfiguring of the statue did not happen at all.

We can fully understand why the Congress Party remained totally tongue-tied on the issue. First, their party cannot continue to rule the state and plunder its meager resources without the support of their main political ally the Muslim League, the most religiously fanatic political party in India. Second, they have more than a century’s experience in swallowing Islamic insults, thanks to excellent training by the so-called Mahatma and India’s No.1 family of traitors called the Nehrus.

We can also understand why the Christian Kerala Congress Party kept mum. The only things on their mind are plundering the state’s treasury, grabbing scarce and expensive Kerala land and religious conversion of Hindus. For them, the disfiguring of a mere statue is not a matter on which to waste time or energy, particularly when there are life and death matters like the price of rubber to worry about. (Rubber is the totally inflexible backbone of the Kerala Christian’s economy)

We can also understand why the alleged atheists of the two Communist parties also maintained a discreet silence. Like Kerala’s media and the intellectuals, the comrades of CPM and CPI very well know that it is not safe to even mildly admonish Islam and its followers, though they can launch totally unjustified verbal attacks on meek Hindus and their even meeker religious ‘leaders’ without any fear of retaliation, physical or verbal, Also, the commies are competing with the Congress as best as they can for Kerala’s precious ‘green’ votes, though without much success so far.

But what we cannot understand is why the so-called nationalist BJP or any member of the sangh parivar did not open their mouth at all on this issue. Have they too become Islam’s dhimmies (barely tolerated slaves) or do they consider the matter too minor to waste their precious words on?

Some readers may wonder why the author is so upset. They may argue, with the cowardice typical of ‘educated’ middle-class Hindus, that after all, only one statue has been disfigured whereas there are dozens at public places all over the state. Such Gandhians should be told that the Muslims will not stop at one statue if they get the impression that neither the state nor Hindu society will react strongly to their act of vandalism. They will simply to proceed to destroy other statues if they are not taught a tough lesson now. The hearts of Kerala’s Muslims, perhaps the most fanatic humans on earth, beat to the same tune as the Taleban of Pakistan and Afghanistan who destroyed the world famous giant Buddha statues of Bamiyan a few years ago.

Islam abhors all forms of art like painting, sculpture and music. The desert religion has particular hatred for sculptures of human forms, stupidly assuming that people would start ‘worshipping’ these ‘idols’ and would thus move away from their jealous god Allah. That is why countless millions of beautiful sculptures in stone, wood and metal fell victim to the sword of Islam over the past 14 centuries.

The Muslims who disfigured O.V. Vijayan’s statue were also sending Kerala’s Hindus this message: Malappuram is our district, our own ‘Little Pakistan’ and nothing un-Islamic will be allowed here. Already, there have been occasional reports of non-Muslim shop owners being forced to down their shutters on Fridays.

Malappuram district was carved out of Palakkad, Kozhikode and Thrissur districts by the Marxist government of Chief Minister of EMS Namboodiripad as a free gift for Kerala’s Muslims. The comrades were trying to beat the Congress at the game of placating Islam at any cost in their hunt for precious ‘green’ votes.

The disfiguring of the statue could also be the Muslim League’s way of reminding the people of Kerala that it is their writ that runs in the state today. About a couple of years ago, Muslims chopped off a hand of a Christian college professor for daring to frame some cheeky anti-Islam exam questions for students. Not even the church, which brings thousands onto the streets every time there is a rumoured attack on a church anywhere in India, then dared to open its mouth because they knew the consequences of protest. Kerala’s Muslims proved once again that Sharia laws take precedence over the laws of the Republic of India in the state.

The disfiguring of O.V. Vijayan’s statue was the latest attempt to foist the barbaric laws of Arabia on the holy land of Jagadguru Adi Shankaracharya. If the Hindus of Kerala don’t begin to resist Islam even at this late hour, it won’t be long before Kerala becomes another Kashmir and Kerala’s Hindus are evicted out of their ancestral homeland like the Kashmiri Pandits.

Kerala’s Hindus must fight Islamic intolerance to the finish. Or risk being wiped off the map of the so-called ‘God’s own country’.

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