Kerala has now been entangled in the vicious grip of the Muslim League

published on June 20, 2012

Here comes one more matter for ‘Secular Hindus’ who voted Congress and their Communal allies to power. Hard earned money of both ‘Communal Hindu’ and ‘secular Hindu’ will now be officially diverted to a so called charity of ‘Muslim League’.
The state government of Kerala gave GREEN’ signal for local bodies to contribute religiously to the funds of C H Mohammed Koya Charitable Funds belonging to the Muslim League. Permission has been granted to make contribution of any amount that ranges from Rs 1 lakh to Rs 3 lakhs. This money should come of from the budget allocated for development in each panchayaths.Earlier permission was granted to panchayaths that fell in the purview of Thiruvananthapuram alone. Sensing no much protest to that, following a letter sent by the District Secretary of Muslim League, the matter has been extended to every part of the state.

It must be noted that Kerala has thousands of panchayaths. So taking the minimum amount, Rs 1 lakh as contributory amount will ensure the Muslim League a fund flow of Rs 10 crore. And in case of Panchayats where the rule is under UDF or the Muslim League, the flow of fund, in all likelihood will mount up to Rs 3 lakhs. And all this, without an iota of effort or hardwork!!!

State governments have, even earlier, granted permission to make contributions towards trusts and memorials that have been constituted in the names of eminent and illustrious leaders. However, this is a glaring case of the heights of graft, of national levels and selfish motives towards a single community. All this, because the person pulling the strings happens to be then State Panchayat Minister, who is MK Muneer, who, by no surprise, happens to be the son of Mohammed Koya.

This is yet another glaring example of how the Muslim League has craftily put its tendrils into every aspect of government using unlawful and indiscrete ways. From writing off land belonging to Calicut University to a Trust owned by Muslim league to Fift Minister to Plugging in Muslim league members and sympathisers to all key posts to the recent Relaunch of  a Government magazine as Kunhalikutty’s article came as fourth , the examples are innumerable and now this. The state of Kerala has now been entangled in the vicious grip of the Muslim League.

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