Kerala government’s war against Hindus

via Babu Suseelan published on March 13, 2006

Democratic countries around the world have progressed from protecting tyranny of the rich and feudal lords, to a civilization in which the rights of the majority is protected.  But in Kerala, the reality is the reverse. Evidence suggests that for the last sixty years, successive governments backed by Muslim and Christian forces have discriminated majority Hindus.

Muslims and Christians have manipulated caste based Hindu leaders and spread domination over Hindus in appropriating land and resources of Hindus. Hindus did not gain political power, but also have been increasingly disempowered, degraded, and subjugated.  This tendency accelerated since independence. Christian and Muslim groups kept seeking ways to defeat political power of Hindus, gained political control and dictated social, economic and educational policies unfavorable to Hindus.

Majority of the work force in Kerala are Hindus. But they are still granted only ten percent of the income. Christian churches became the richest landowners of Kerala. Free flow of foreign funds for Christians and Muslims have enabled them to grab forestland and urban land with active support of political parties. As a result of perverse priorities of kerala government, Hindus comprise the single largest segment of the population living in poverty. The statistics are staggering. Political parties often shrug off the statistics on Hindu poverty, assuming such things only happen to Hindus for their commitment for spiritual value system.

Violence and terrorism against Hindus are more staggering than government’s irresponsibility towards Hindus. No statistics compile all forms of violence against Hindus, when records are kept. Most incidents of rape, theft, burglary, home invasion, larceny and harassment against Hindus are not reported, and discrimination almost never. No government agency help Hindu victims. Because Christian and Muslim attacks on Hindus are not categorized as a class, we cannot estimate the number of Hindus physically injured by Muslim and Christian criminal gangs.

So powerful and pervasive is the taboo against blaming Christian and Muslims in Kerala that even social scientists who deplore discrimination and violence against Hindus perpetuate a sense of Christian, Muslim blamelessness for these acts. Pseudo secularist, phony liberals, political parties and alienated intellectuals are complicit in the blame game of Hindu victims.

Muslim extremists and their gruesome murders and bombing against Hindus and the government indifference to nab the perpetrators are another means by which Islamist intend to intimidate and impose their barbaric culture on Hindus. The government and political parties engage in Orwellian world of doublespeak and groupthink and they are never outraged on terrorism committed by Jihadi Muslims against Hindus. Paradoxically, tragically, the government’s “politically correct or incorrect” view gathered steam when the present government decided not to publish Marad Commission Report that blamed Jihadi Muslims and government inaction to prevent terrorism. In
this context, it is fair to conclude that the state government and political parties in kerala exist only to function as agents of Muslim terrorists.

Several studies have reported that ninety five percent of educational institutions in kerala are under the control of Christian and Muslim management. They hire Christens and Muslims to run these institutions and the government pays their salary from the state treasury. This is another way of transferring state funds for Muslims and Christians at the expense of Hindus. Most development projects are aimed at enabling Christian and Muslim population to earn cash. Temple funds and land appropriated by the government is distributed to Christen and Muslim groups. Almost all development projects and business investments are focused on non-Hindus.
Although Hindus are poor, very little help has been channeled to them. Land reform projects transfer land titles to corporations owned by Muslims or Christians, which make them eligible for loans from the government. The most blatantly exploitive form of development is what is called land acquisition from Hindus and hand it over to Middle East based Muslim groups under the guise of Technology Park.

Political analysts in Kerala, discussing political parties swing to Muslims and Christian groups, suggest that one factor in this shift is Hindus’ inability to form a vote bank and fight against discriminatory laws. A major force in impelling the swing to Hindu vote bank is caste-based organizations.

One-way to defuse this ugly situation in Kerala and to gain political power, Hindus need to unite and develop a series of potentially powerful vote banks. If Hindus want to continue the struggle for Hindus freedom, Hindus no longer allow themselves to remain inactive, cowed by outdated leftist views that are meant to trump and silence concerns about Hindu culture.

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