Kerala Christians against ‘Love Jihad’

via HK published on October 10, 2009

Kochi: Kerala Catholic’s Bishop Council (KCBC) decided to issue warning against ‘Love Jihad’ to Christian families. The move to create awareness against ‘Love Jihad’ is based on the investigative report submitted by KCBC’s Jagratha Commission.

Father Jony Kochuparambil, Secretary of Jagratha Commission told that, based on their on study it is proved beyond doubt that ‘Love Jihad’ an organisation to trap Christian and
Hindu girls is very much active in the state.Untill now KCBC haven’t revealed the shocking reports as it may lead to Communal troubles in the state. As now Kerala High court ordered
enquiry against Love Jihad- KCBC will openly create awareness among Christian families.

Over the past for years nearl 4000 girls were trapped belonging to Hinduism and Christianity were trapped and converted to Islami by Jihadi Romeo’s , according to the Jagratha
Commission report.As per the report it’s more Christian girls who became victims to Love Jihad than Hindu girls. Girls in IT sector were specifically targeted.KCBC is planning wide spread
awareness campaign against these Jihadi’s through Church.

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