Jihadi Terrorism Training Camps in Kerala

via HK Correspondent published on March 20, 2007

For several years  NDF Jihadis have been active in Kerala. They have succeeded in bombing, murder, arson, violence and riots. Hundreds of Hindus were slaughtered and many became crippled. Jihadis have several objectives in Kerala. They want to bring about a union of all Muslims in Kerala and to create a Mini Pakistan. Towards that end, NDF is active in Muslim majority areas of Malabar. NDF’s goal is to carry out a sustained struggle for the dominance of Islam in Kerala. According to its ideology, it is the duty of every Muslim to protect and defend the interest of Muslims where Muslims are under the rule of the non-Muslim in the democratic system. It has, thus chosen the path of Jihad war as prescribed in the Koran. They follow sayings of the Koran which preach cruelty, incite violence, and disturb public tranquility. “Believers, make war on the unbelievers who dwell around you. Let them find harshness in you.” Surah 9:Ayat 123. “When the sacred months are over slay the idol-worshipers wherever you find them, besiege them.” Surah 9; Ayat 5. “Do not yield to the unbelievers, but fight them strenuously with the Koran.”. The terror practiced by Jihadis in Kerala are keeping the proclaimed mission of the Koran.


NDF use these Koranic messages for  recruitment and terrorism training in Kerala. NDF and Jihadis in Kerala receive assistance from Pakistan, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Dubai.  Pakistan ISI provides instructors, weapons, and bomb making materials. Pakistan and Kashmir based terrorist organizations help them with smuggling weapons and bomb making materials into Malappuram, Kozhikode and Kasergode. NDF terrorists have established dozens of bomb and sword making workshops in Muslim majority areas. The weapons produced are used against Hindus. Terrorism training camps are organized in Malappuram, Nadapuram, Kuttiyad, and Valayam.


The goal of the terrorism training camp is to produce tough, resourceful, and fearless Islamic terrorists. Recent killing of Hindus in Tanur, Tirur and Panur were believed to be made possible, in, part, by the availability of special terrorism training in these camps. To reinforce their beheading skills and make them fearless, training is imparted in beheading running dogs. Trainers are asked to chase a running dog in motorbike and slash its tail or sever its head. Special training is provided to improve marksmanship by stabbing running dogs with a sharp  dagger.


Muslims claim that Allah has given them power over animals and infidels and subdue them in the name of Allah. By slashing running dogs and beheading them as part of Jihad training, Muslims claim that they are serving Allah. The act symbolizes Jihadi’s  willingness to kill non-believers in the name of Allah. In order to strengthen beheading skills and induce fearlessness as well as motivate them to stay on the straight path, and willingness to fight infidels, Jihadis claim that this cruel acts against dogs is necessary.


Islam believes in utilitarian morality. Muslims have moral obligations and duties between Muslims. Muslims consider animals and unbelievers are not susceptible of  the moral obligations which they owe to fellow Muslims. Muslims do not necessarily acknowledge any right inherent in animals and unbelievers. Islam treat animals and unbelievers as means and they have no rights. In the plan of Allah, unbelievers and animals are subordinated to the service of Muslims.


This is a very inhumane act. Many dogs are slaughtered and injured in exceptionally inhuman ways. Dogs are often forced to endure repeated stabs or blows and they are pierced with swords as part of the training.


While Jihadi terrorism training camps continue to function, the Marxist government is not interested in shutting down the camps.The Marxist government’s counter terrorism efforts have been very weak  and ineffective.


Each time a terrorist incident occurs, the Marxist government provides more financial aid, grants for neighborhood improvement and innovative programs to improve self-esteem of Muslims. Marxist intellectuals and the media are afraid to address the root cause of terrorism that is Islam for fear of escalating further Islamic terrorism. Each time, the government is afraid to react strongly and decisively enough to put an end to Jihadi terrorism, it would further motivate Jihadis to commit terrorism. All that matters now is abandon the psychology of appeasement and defeat the jihadi terrorist with firm action.


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