Illegal Jihadi money pouring into Kerala

via HK correspondent published on July 11, 2006

Kochi : It is reported that cores of illegal money is pouring into Kerala to buy real estate and to invest  in businesses. Underworld, unaccounted, illegal money is being used to buy real estate in sensitive areas of Kerala. For several years, under the naked eye of Congress/Muslim League governments, Jihadi smugglers from the Middle East have laundered millions of illegal money into Kerala to buy real estate in and around Guruvayoorappan Temple, Sri Padmanabha Swami Temple, Kadmpuzha Temple and Chettanikara temple. it was a “low Tech” world of money laundering, the process of cleaning “dirty money” through Hawala. Platoons of couriers were used to carry and distribute money to Jihadi agents in Kerala. The illegal money was used to corner real estate property in and around famous Hindu temples.


Now Middle East based jihadi terrorist organizations use electronic transfers to avoid detection. Wire transfer systems allow criminal Jihadi organizations as well as underworld Mafia to enjoy a swift and nearly risk free conduit into Kerala. Banking and government officials, as well as police collude with money launderers for a hefty fee. Once the illegal cash is transferred or wired in to an account in Kerala, digital funds are withdrawn overnight. Cores of rupees are withdrawn overnight and the illegal money is used to buy real estate in sensitive areas of the state. Recently Middle East based Jihadis have bought sensitive, prime real estate in Cherai, Kochi, Vizinjam, Bepur, kannoor, Kozhikode, Koilandi, Mallappuram, Trichur and Alwaye. Even agricultural lands and paddy fields are bought to construct convention halls and hotels with illegal money with active collusion with political leaders and government officials.


One of the rulers of Middle East who visited Kerala and Goa recently has invested heavily in real estate in Cherai, Kochi and Goa through agents of terrorist gang leader Dawood Ibrahim.  It is reported that one of the Sheik also has invested heavily in real estate through Binami agents. With the active assistance and guidance from Pakistani ISI agents, Dawood Ibrahim’s Binami agents have invested heavily into real estate in and around Kochi, Vizinjam, Ezhimala, and Trivandrum.


The Marxist government who cohorts with Jihadi terrorist gangs has no interest in identifying or inquiring the Jihadi organizations or persons who buy real estate or invest in businesses. Therefore, the combination of anonymous cash and the political support give Jihadi mafia unrestricted opportunity to invest illegal money in businesses, hotels or to purchase real estate in highly sensitive areas of Kerala. Obviously, transferring money illegally, and then spending the cash is an appealing opportunity for Jihadis, criminal gangs and money mafia. Police or journalists are not interested in investigating the source of investment or the agents behind it for obvious reasons.


Several Muslim businessmen including Sheiks in the Missle East sub-contract the task of money laundering to organized criminals like Dawood Ibrahim and Muslim businessmen from Kerala because of their connection to political leaders.


If unchecked or thwarted, in the long run, saturation of dirty Jihadi money into Kerala will corrupt our government, inflate real estate business, ruin our economy, and threaten our political system. It will also place innocent, law abiding, tax paying citizens at a great economic disadvantage. It is time for Kerala government and the Reserve Bank to enforce currency reporting requirements, taxation of real estate investment and currency transaction filing requirements.

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