How can a Thangal be secular?

via Synonymous published on August 7, 2009

Interpretation of one of the most dishonest political concepts of Nehru’s India viz. secularism, reached its rock bottom this week when speaker and speaker were eulogizing Shihab Thangal, the deceased president of Indian Union Muslim League (IUML), as a great secular leader. Almost all parties in India are essentially communal in practice, but there is only party which makes it clear even its name ie. IUML. We should appreciate their truthfulness and sincerity for that. But how can the three decade president of such an avowedly communal party be secular? It is the height of political expediency and double-talk. India ’s architect made a big blunder and his political children are like a million blind men feeling a secular elephant.

Nehru’s secularism (then Indira’s and now Sonia’s) is nothing but a cheap political theory to promote Congress rule. It is like the Aryan Migration Theory of European colonizers and Divide-And-Rule technique of the British. Secularism is a completely Western concept that is applicable only in a country having one religion with separate religious and political leaderships. Its adaptation to India with a ridiculous interpretation like ‘Equal Respect for All Religions’ was nothing but a sinister attempt to keep India and Hindus divided forever. The much praised secularism of the late Thangal is a good example of this. He himself claimed himself to the 40th descendent of the Arabian prophet (hence a self-de clared Arab by origin), headed a communal political party for the past three decades and was considered the spiritual leader of the Muslim community. Yet Thangal is to be considered as secular!!!! And all Sankaracharyaas are communal!!!!!!!!!

The most irritating statements regarding Thangal’s secularism came from the namesake Hindu leaders in Kerala. We can read their real mind when Antony , Chandy and Maani blabber. But when Premachandran goes on and on about Thangal’s secularism, it shows the extent of damage it has brought into Indian nation. The same Premachandran was also very vocal when he praised another ‘secular’ leader like Madani during his reception at TVM beach. Another one is Balakrishna Pillai. When are these short-sighted Jaichands going to realize their mistakes? These bird-brains must understand that Thangal was never a secular leader and their statements are making much damage to the cause of their own community. It is this attitude of a majority of namesake Hindu leaders that makes a third-rate turncoat politician like PC Chacko confident about spitting his anti-Hindu venom in the Indian parliament to BJP leaders f or catching his mummy’s attention. Our self declared secular hypocrites must understand that an Arabian leopard can never be herbivorous, but some may kill only for food and be friendly with preys when not hungry. Similarly, the late Thangal might have worked for communal amity, but that is a different matter. For the sake of records, please remember that he is the one who first refused to light our traditional lamps because it is Hindu in spirit.

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