HJS Dharmajagruti Sabha at Thiruvananthapuram – May 2nd, 2010

via HJS Keralam published on April 18, 2010

Hindu Janajagruti Samiti is an organization working for ‘uniting Hindus globally ‘ and preventing attacks on Dharma. As a part of this, Hindu Janajagruti Samiti has been organizing public meetings all over india for creating awareness among Hindus regarding the onslaughts on Dharma e.g. terrorism, denigration of hindu deities, slaughter of Hindu leaders and Saints, destruction of temples and Hindu monuments., etc. With this aim, the Samiti is organizing a Hindu Dharmajagruti Sabha at Thiruvananthapuram,on 2nd May, 2010.

The main objective of the “Hindu Dharmajagruti Sabha“ is to unite Hindus and to create mass awareness among Hindus on ‘Hindu Dharma’ and the need for Dharmacharan. It also aims to unite Hindu organizations and leaders who strongly address ‘Hindu Issues”. Hindu Janajagruti Samiti has organised over 250 Dharmajagruti Sabha till now all over india.

Venue : NSS Union Hall, Near S.P. Fort Hospital, Fort, Thiruvananthapuram.
Date   : May 2, 2010 (Sunday)
Time  : 5 pm onwards

We request your presence and blessings during this occasion.

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