Hindu Dharmajagruti Sabha held successfully at Kottayam

published on November 19, 2010

In Kottayam, central Kerala, history was created when dharmasabha was conducted in the famous Thirunakkara Mahadeva temple grounds on Sunday, 14th November. It was the first time in Kerala that all the speakers were females. Kum.Rashmi Parameshwaran of Sanatan Sanstha, Kum. Supriya Prasad of Sanatan Prabhat and Kum. Praneeta Prasad of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti spoke on the occasion.

Dharmajagruti Sabha began with the blowing of conch. Then there was the chanting of vedamantras and traditional lighting of lamp.  Shri. Thankachan spoke about the activities of the Samiti while Kum. Aditi Prasad of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti did the compering. About 150 dharmabhimani Hindus attended the programme.

    Speaking on the occasion Kum. Rashmi said that Sanatan Sanstha was being falsely implicated in Madgaon bomb blast and though NIA (National investigating agency) had proved that Sanatan Sanstha had no hand in the blast it is still facing a lot of opposition from adharmic forces which are trying to implicate and ban it. She also added that Sanstha was always involved in spreading the science of spirituality in society and such false allegations were done to malign and stop the Sanstha’s mission in the spread of spirituality. She said that spiritual practice like chanting was the best means to survive in the coming tough times.
    Kum. Supriya representing ‘Sanatan Prabhat’ a staunch Hindu periodical spoke about the distinguishing features of Sanatan Prabhat and about its successful mission of imparting the corrective perpective behind the happenings in society.

    Speaking about the present state of our Nation and Dharma. Kum. Praneeta said that the main cause of all the problems faced by our country and degradation of Dharma was the lack of knowledge of Dharma in the society and also division of Hindus on the basis of caste. She stressed that it was vital for all Hindus to learn about Dharma, practice it themselves and impart it to others in society.
    In the end Kum. Praneeta read out the resolutions of the Sabha and the audience gave their approval in unison. The sabha ended by the rendering of vande mataram.

Highlights of the Sabha

1.Children  presented a skit about the importance of Hindu Dharma how to Dharmacharan daily. It was very well accepted by the crowd.
2.Many people who came for the sabha actively participated in the post program, meeting and showed interest in actively propogating Dharma.
3.One promient person from medical faterinity said that ‘today’s program was best organised and it inspired him to start doing spirtiual practice’.
4.When vande mataram was being rendered many people who were standing outside the hall also stood still till it got over.


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