Hindu Apartheid in Kerala

via Rajendra Babu published on May 28, 2008

Nowadays our visual and print media has time to report only ‘negative’ news about Hindus and ashrams based on the arrest of Sathosh Madhavan, a stooge of marxists.

Kerala Medias and politicians hatred for Hindus and Hinduism is well-known. Their sole aim is to destroy Sanathana Dharma from Kerala and ‘convert’ this land to a barbaric Semitic cult society. Today Hindus lack a visionary leader like Sree Narayana guru swamy and Sree Chattambi swamigal.

Marxists led by criminal politicians like Kodiyeri and Pinarayi have all their comrades ‘installed’ in governmental posts and media to abuse, loot and plunder Hindus and their places of worship. Kerala Media led by the venomous Manorama gets a high orgasm when anything or anyone even distantly connected with Hinduism is destroyed. Of late, we see the sad plight of many other dailies , which stood for honesty and integrity following the poisonous and communal path of Manorama & Deshabhimani.

When our nation is struck by terrorism in Jaipur, Kerala media is immersed in abusing Hindu sanyasis and supporting the DYFI terrorists vandalizing the swamis and ashrams.

Will any Kerala journalist ever write or analyze what happened top the following crimes :

1) CBI has identified the murderers of Abhaya as Godmen- Thomas Kottoor & one Jose along with some nuns. Why is the police, Govt., and media silent and not
trying to arrest the criminals and bring justice to the victim’s family?

14 years is a long time!

2) More than 950 innocents were killed (some raped too) at




at Thrissur. The culprits are free and getting enough NRI funds as usual.

3) Another famous case in which justice will be denied – Chekannoor Moulavi case. Marxists will even give jobs, reservations for the killers. No soul with a minmum common sense would doubt it.

4) Media has given a short coverage on a Container Ship from middle-east with full of currency. The news on what happened to it is still mysterious.

5) Santhosh Madhavan episode

a- He is just 35 years and we should ‘believe’ he is a sanyasi!! As long as Vedas are interpreted by evil-minded missionaries and Marxists, we should believe this version too!

b- He couldn’t have done all these shady deals without active support of Politicians, police and media. Even after almost a month, why the VIP names are not published or found?

c- Is this similar to the Manorama’s ISRO spy scandal?

d- Who is Serafin Edwin? How can a NRI ‘businesswoman’ be so dumb to give 50 lakhs to a young man? Or is she yet another ‘agent’ or benami?

e- What is the involvement of Kerala home minister and his son in the deals?

6) What happened to Former Chief secy Babu Jacob’s shady land deals or Tomin Thankachery’s mafia links. What about the shady deals of pastor KP Yohannan who has been working hard to destroy Sabarimala pilgrimage?

7) If we are interested in foreign contribution to Hindus ashrams alone, it shows the discrimination you follow. But our central agencies have clearly the stated that No1. receivers of foreign contributions are the church, then mosques and then CPM & other naxalite groups. Can the journalists at least show equality along with (pseudo) secularism?

8) Who cares of Lavlin case when the CPM secretary looted more than the Bofors deal? Well when the loot is shared with the media, Pinarayi is a nice man!

9) Couple of months back, Kerala witnessed a Bishop Powathil dictating all his community members to send their kids to community (religious) schools only! In a secular land which has seen the birth of great mahatmas like Guru , we witness new age Hitler’s and still our media seems to be drugged and brainwashed to paint communal people as secular and vice versa!

10) CPM/DYFI terror in Kerala especially Kannur, was dreadful. But the media was always trying to put the blame on innocents.

11) Why is the media silent of mafia kings – Farris Mohammed,


martin, Savy mano mathew? Or are they not mafia anymore with their contributions to AKG center?
12) CPM’s love for terrorists like Mahdani and their help in getting him freed from all terror cases shows how low the goons who rule us have become. Also make weak cases against the Marad genocide organisers and release them. To destroy our nation these people will even sell their sisters and mothers.

13) Who were the VIPs involved in Kiliroor Shari’s death?

14) Recently a young girl had to take her life due to the harassment by a Catholic priest. Should we have to believe again that his minority status will make him equal to Thomas Kottoor (free even after 14 years)

15) Kunjalikutty , a dreaded Muslim league MLA is still free even after abusing numerous young girls. No guesses needed here too.

16) When Shihab Thangal is accused of his ‘black-magic’ powers, spineless Vayalar Ravi air-dashes to Malabar. When DYFI goons daily abuses Hindu leaders or physically harass swamis, where is he? Or when a Malayali soldier, Maniappan was killed – did he lose any sleep.

17) As long the ‘minority status’ of PJ Joseph is intact, he can go on testing the texture of all kinds of rear-ends. And no police or govt can arrest him even if he murders the news reader Lekshmi who he tried to molest publicly!

18) E Ahamed has time only to look after his community members and it is very secular. Did he work atleast a day for the safety of Maniappan. Compare this to his work to release an Australian doctor, involved in a terror plot

19) Our PM had sleepless nights when terrorists were arrested outside


. But he sleeps well when innocent Indian students are killed in US campuses. Why this hatred and discrimination against Hindus alone?
In history, the Native Americans were instantly butchered and poisoned  by the missionary tourists, but today we see traditional Kerala Hindus being slowly abused, discriminated and hated by the missionary controlled Kerala media and its politicians.

The Media lies and twisted facts with the help of Government machinery can lead to anarchy and Hitleran rule. But this might be the pipe dream of Pinarayis and Powathils and rabies infected Sudhagaran. But no media or journalist in Kerala will ever expose the actual facts.

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