Go, women of Kerala, go !

via Dr. Vijaya Rajiva published on March 30, 2011

In this new election song for the  Assembly elections, the video  ‘Lotus Blooming’ shows some remarkable pictures. There are faces of smiling children, hundreds of men and women marching, holding up the saffron flag and ofcourse,the green fields of  ‘Gods own country ‘ (as Kerala is called). The Lotus holds centre stage and rightly so, because it is an indelible symbol for India.

But what was impressive was the opening scene of women in their martial stride, beating drums, ready to go !

From the time of the Rig Veda onwards we have the importance of women in any national struggle. Goddess Sarasvati says :

“ I am the rashtram moving people together for the welfare of the people”

Then there are the famous ones in history, the best known being Rani Laxmibhai of Jhansi fame and the thousands of women both known and unkown and unsung down the centuries to the present day. The Veda has preached peace and its famous line ‘may all beings be happy ‘ (Sarve bhavantu sukhinah) is the Hindu motto. But the Veda, along with the Gita has also called for  the vigorous  defence of Dharma.

The women of Kerala have demonstrated this from time to time. Most recently when the LDF government attempted to take over the Padmanabhaswamy temple in Trivandrum they formed a human chain around the sacred site and challenged anyone to take it over!
Some three and a half million women celebrated the Attungal pongal at the same time.

Kerala has become what many commentators have warned could be the next Kashmir, thanks to the craven policies of the Left government that has encouraged the growth of Islamic terrorism in the state, by their policies of appeasement of blatant murder and mayhem. This is in line with the misguided policies of the Kerala Marxists since the early days of the freedom struggle when what was mistakenly called the Moplah rebellion was in reality an attempt at early jihadic forces that were attempting to recreate a caliphate in Kerala after the demise of the Turkish caliphate in 1924.

The horrific murder of thousands of Hindus at that time is still part of the annals of Kerala history.

Alongside of the present LDF government’s shenanigans, there is the Church inspired and Congress supported anti national forces that owe allegiance to the central foreign born and sinister president of the Congress, who seems singularly free of any real sentiment towards the country of her adoption. Sonia Gandhi is certainly not the woman any Keralite should emulate.

From the many deceptions that she has reportedly been guilty of in the past to her present day movements, she apparently shows a singular  lack of genuine attachment to Bharat. She has been compared mistakenly to people like Annie Besant. This is an historical  blunder , to say the least. Annie Besant, intrepid fighter for India’s freedom was the genuine goods. She rightly saw that India’s history was and remains Hindu history. As she put it: India is Hindu and if Hindus don’t fight for their country who else will ?

Sonia is not a Hindu in any sense of the word, either narrowly or in a more extended sense.

Dr. Subramania Swamy recently has clarified/extended the meaning of ‘Hindu’. Here he is following in the footsteps of Damodar Savarkar who asked in his book Who is a Hindu?  answered : anyone who lives in Hindustan and owes allegiance to the subcontinent and works for its welfare.

That could be transposed to that part of Hindustan, namely the state of Kerala. As someone recently observed : If after all the anti national corruption of the Sonia party, the enless scams from 2G Spectrum to the Commonwlealth Games, to the Adarsh housing society scam to the . . .  if after all this, Keralites vote for the Congress, God help Kerala !

Women of Kerala, save the Rashtram ! Save the abhyudayam (welfare of the people) of Kerala !

(The writer is a Political Philosopher who taught at a Canadian university).

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