Gimmicks of Leftist ‘Intellectuals’ stands exposec

via HK Correspondent published on October 14, 2015

It is high time that the facade of those masquerading as cultural ambassadors are ripped off and exposed. What a sham it is when they, the famous Left Liberals who be pose eternal lovers of humanity, state that they are returning the awards once conferred on them as a mark of protest of the unfortunate incident, which took place in Uttar Pradesh. There are a few questions that definitely must be put across to them.

Where were these Left Liberals when eight Hindus were brutally hacked to death by Jihadists in Marad? When the same Jihadists chopped off the arm of Professor Joseph of Thodupuzha and when justice eluded him brutally and when his family was subject to utmost tortures and when his wife committed suicide? When former communist leader TP Chandrashekharan was hacked to death by Marxist goons for the single reason that he happened to raise a few valid points against the party leadership?

Did we hear even a remote murmur from them? No! Never! All that emanated from them was coldhearted, obdurate silence. But when a member of the Muslim community was killed, they sprang up armed with their verbal weapons of secularism, including returning of awards conferred. Isn’t this known as ‘double standards’?

Writers and cultural heroes should be unbiased and not don roles of being paid writers for Leftist politics. For it is when they are steeped in Leftist ideology that they choose to remain silent when instances like the ones mentioned above take place in society.

The recent spree of awards being returned makes onlookers realize that these Left Liberals were, in the first place, never worthy of them. They were never cultural heroes, but were rabble-rousers in the garb of scribes. And that makes us all realize that the awards they won were in fact props to solidify their political stance in society.

And coming to the episode in Uttar Pradesh- the state is being governed by Samajwadi Party, which has always been supported by the Communist Party. The incident took place in Uttar Pradesh- why didn’t these Left Liberals ever set foot in the state? Reality is that the Left Liberals do not have an ounce of pain at the lynching episode. That is because their sole target then, now and forever will be none other than Narendra Modi.

Left Liberals must realize that Narendra Modi is a democratically elected leader of the nation. He will remain there as long as the citizens want him there.

Left Liberals must realize that people of Kerala are sensible enough to see through their deceitful histrionic skills. They are not shorn of intelligence.

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