‘Forget the differences to safe guard your rights’

via HK published on November 7, 2007

Following are the salient points from Migration Monitoring Studies conducted by Dr Zachariah and Dr Dr S Irudayarajan , Centre for Development Studies (CDS).

Almost half of Kerala’s overseas emigrants, estimated at 1.9m, are Muslims.
50% of Total annual remittances are benefiting Muslims.

Muslims only make up a quarter of the Kerala population

More and more Kerala emigrants emerge from Malappuram, Kannur and Kasargod districts.

In Malappuram, 3 out of 4 households have either an emigrant or a returnee.

Among Muslims one in every two households (52.5 per cent) has a Non-Resident Keralite

Among Hindus only one in seven households has an NRK.

280,000 Kerala students are studying in other states –In that 47.4 percent are Christians. Muslim students outside Kerala are 8.4 per cent.


HK Comments

Studies conducted by various agencies at various points of time have clearly indicated the Minority Supremacy in Kerala. Being that the case Hindus irrespective of their political affiliations should raise their voice against implementation of Minority appeasing reports like Sachar.

The lack of Muslims in Government offices is not due to any sort of discrimination but the Muslims themselves fly to their Holy Arabian countries to earn Petro Dinars and Riyals.

The lack of Educational progress among Muslims as reported is also not due to any Discrimination. Muslims are financially sound to teach their Kids in any prestigious institutions but they opt to fly to their Holy land before completing even the higher secondary in majority of cases.

The Politicians are closing their eyes towards this reality as they are bothered only about VOTES- It’s the duty of each and every Hindu, who cares for his future generation to voice the discern in every platform available.

Forget the petty political and caste based differences, Say no to exploitation of Political leaders and fight in unison –Not for extra rights but for safeguarding our existing birth rights

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