Few queries to Seventh Day Adventist Christians and to our Irresponsible Government

via HK published on March 14, 2008

Kochi: Hindus in the state has to sit back learn the art of
grabbing even the minute rights which our Constitution guarantees to it’s
citizens in case of protecting ones faith and belief from the so called Minorities around us  

A division bench of the High Court of Kerala gave permission
to Seventh Day Adventist students to write the SSLC exam on Saturday after 6
When all other students write the Examinations by 2.00 pm , These
Students will have to reach the school by 1.45pm and wait in Head Masters room
and can write the Examination after 6. PM !

The order is based on the petition filed by four students of
the Kottarakara SD school and the South west India union Seventh day Adventist
union Corporate manager Stanley Samuel.The order of the honourable High
Court is on the basis of a Government order of 1961

The petitioners argued that conducting the examination on
Saturday was against the religious freedom. Seventh day Adventists consider
Saturday’s as Sabath or free day which is meant for relaxing.
This day is
specifically for prayers, religious programmes and for relaxing. The Seventh
day Adventists had also petitioned the court that if exams were conducted on
Saturday’s the children of their community will not be able to write it as the
religion forbids them.

Adding to the already prevalent confusion Educational
Minister M.A. Baby agreed to conduct special Examinations for Seventh Day
Adventist Students on some other day!

The forefathers of our present day Minority appeasers, in
1961 issued a Government order that no major examinations should be conducted
on Saturdays and if conducted then it should be done after 6 pm on that day! The
Seventh day church has 34,000 believers in the State and 32 schools are
functioning under the church.

Some Genuine Queries


1) If a Hindu student approach
court citing the reason that Exams are starting during Rahu Kaalam
(Unauspicious Time), what will be the response of Judiciary? Won’t the Medias,
Communists and other so called progressive organisations blame the student’s
mentality as Fundamentalistic?

2) Why the Government send a small
time Advocate to represent the Government in such a serious case? Wasn’t that
as per the inside pact made between Educational Minister Baby, The
Representative of Church in the present Government and Seventh Day Adventist
Missionaries? Why Government failed to inform about M.A.Baby’s  decision to conduct separate exams on some
other day?

3) We can understand the urgency
shown by the Judiciary to give a clear direction to avoid confusion, But we
fail to understand why the same Judiciary is hesitating to interfere in
Devaswom Board issue to stop hurting the faith and sentiments of Millions of

4) Seventh-day Adventists observe
the Sabbath from Friday sunset to Saturday sunset. In order to keep the Sabbath
holy, Adventists abstain from secular work and other non-essential business on
Saturday. They will also usually refrain from purely secular forms of
recreation, such as competitive sport and watching non-religious programmes on
television. (Wikipedia)

HK Fail to understand how one can consider an Examination as a Secular Work or Bussiness or Recreation or Entertainment or

5) There are many 7th day
Adventist Christians and Churches in Middle East, But they never refrain from
working on Saturday or not sending their Kids to schools in Saturdays, If they
can adapt according to strict rules of Islamic Nations why can’t few of them
adapt for two Saturdays in India a nation which give them all privileges and
special rights?

6) Will the Judiciary directs for
special leave on all Saturdays or a provision to work after 6 pm for Seventh
Day Adventist Believers working in Government and other private institutions,
if some one files a petition like this?

7) Although , if we go by the
statements of those who approached court,  won’t it be violation of their faith sitting
inside the room of a Head Master instead of spending their time inside Church?

8) Will those students be given opportunity
to refer the books in those final hours? If so won’t it give them a extra benefit
in this competing world?

9) It will be greatly appreciable
if the High Court extends their special service and attention to many other
cases as shown in this case by considering the case after 6pm

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