‘DYFI Raj’ in Police Stations

published on October 5, 2009

Melatoor: Hundreds of DYFI thugs attacked Melattoor Police station in Malapuram district, to release a DYFI thug.Many Police officers were injured in the attack. DYFI thugs vandalised the Police station – Doors and Window panes were broken.

The attack was to release a local DYFI thug Shailesh of Karuvarakundu in connection with attacking Police. Shailesh was arrested first by Karuvarakundu Police , But when protest mounted from DYFI he was shifted to Melatoor Police Station.

Police station attacks by the youth front of ruling CPM is now a days a common in accident.If any Police officer dares to take any case against these thugs Home Ministry will make sure that officer is transferred or punished at the earliest instance.

Recently DYSP Unnithan who took strong stand against those DYFI thugs who attacked a Police officer was immediately transferred by Home Minister.

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